meet (reunirse)
get together
turn something off
switch off
stop sleeping
wake up
arrive at an airport, hotel and register
check in
start a hobby
take up
take care of
return a phone call
______ back
call back
get out of bed
get up
get back
register for an activity
put your name down / sign up
have a good relationship with sby
get on with
make a phone call
_______ up someone
ring up
make a place look clean
tidy up
when a plane leaves the ground
take off
stop doing something without finishing
give up
have a romantic relationship with sby
go out with
end a phone conversation ______ up
hang up
pick someone up
arrive/appear at a place
turn up
await something with excitement
l_____ f_____ t_
look forward to
end a relationship
break up / slip up with
complete a form
_______ in/out
fill in/out
put something on
leave on a journey (partir)
set off
continue doing something
go on / carry on