To highlight a specific area
Focus on
Return to a previous point
Back up
To introduce a conclusion
In conclusion/to conclude
To mention something
Bring up
Develop a project or idea
work on
To get more specific
Narrow down
To finish discussing one topic and begin discussing another
Go on + infinitive
To give an example
for example/for instance/such as
to talk about something for a short time
touch on
rule out
To add detail
To introduce your first point
To begin/start with
Introduce your topic
Today I'm going to talk about . . .
to make your ideas clear
get at/get across
experience opposition
come up against
to notice something specific
Pick up on
To go in a completely new direction
Move away from
Add detail
Introduce a new point
Move on
become current
catch up
Suggest further research
Look into
Review all the main points
Look back over
To move on to your second point
to approach your conclusion
Brings (me) to
To fully consider an idea
Think through