Hello in French
What is: Bonjour
It goes in French
Ça va
What is Je suis...
I can't wait! in French
J'ai hâte!
I need help in French
What is J'ai besoin d'aide.
Good evening in French
What is Bonsoir
How's it going? in French
What is Ça va bien?
I'm in good shape in French
What is Je suis en pleine forme
Blah or Meh in French.
What is Bof.
I don't feel well in French.
What is Je me sens mal.
Charmed inb French
What is Enchanté
How are you? In French, formal.
What is Comment allez-vous?
I'm in a good mood in French
What is Je suis de bonne humeur
I am afraid in French.
What is J'ai peur.
I need a doctor in French.
What is J'ai besoin d'un médecin.
What is your name? in French, formal
What is Comment-vous appelez-vous?
How are you? In French, informal
What is Comment ça va? Or comment vas-tu?
I'm in a bad mood in French.
What is Je suis de mauvaise humeur.
What is C'est trop drôle.
Help! in French.
What is Au secours!
What is your name? In French, informal
What is Comment t`appelles-tu?
It will be okay in French
What is Tout ira bien
I'm dead tired in French.
What is Je suis crevé.
I am sad in French.
What is Je suis triste.
I have a pain here in French.
What is J'ai une douleur ici.