What is a Force?
Friction:A Force that Opposes Motion
Gravity:A Force of Attraction
Newton's Laws of Motion
A push or a pull.
What is a force?
A force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact.
What is Friction?
A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses.
What is Gravity?
An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by and outside force and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by and outside force.
What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
What is the equation for Momentum? What is the equation for Momentum?
The measurment of force.
What are newtons?
Friction between moving surfaces.
What is kinetic friction?
What is gravity?
The gravitational force that pulls all objects toward each other.
A golfball sitting on a peg and is at rest and when a person swings the club and hit the golfball of the peg the golfball is now in motion because the club hit the golfball and created an unbalanced force.
What is an example of Newton's First Law of Motion?
The product of mass and velocity of an object.
What is The defination of Momentum?
The combination of all forces.
What is net force?
When a force is applied to an object but doesn't make the object move.
What is static friction?
Garavity equals 9.8m/s/s
What is the rate at which every object falls to the ground?
The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied to the object.
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?
Complete this statement: The momentum before a collision is equal to
What is the momentum after the collision?
An object that has 0 newtons.
What is a balanced force?
When an object is being rolled by a force.
What is rolling friction?
Describes the relationship between gravitational force, mass, and distance.
What is the law of universal gravitation.
When a person is pushing a cart and the cart is empty they dont need to excert a lot of force on and the acceleration of the object is high because the object has a small mass and when the cart is full the person needs to excert more of a force and the acceleration is smaller because the mass is bigger than the empty cart.
What is an example of Newton's Second Law of Motion?
Some or all the Momentum is transferred from one object to another the second object will go moving in the direction of the unbalanced force and if only some of the momentum is tranfreed the first objects keeps its momentum.
What is the Law of Conservation of Momentum?
when objects have newtons higher than 0.
What is an unbalanced force?
A liquid that can reduce friction.
What are lubricants?
A measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object; it's value can change with the location of the object in the universe.
What is weight fromthe book?
Whenever one objects excerts a force on a second object, the second object excert excerts an equal and opposite force on the firsrt.
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion.
Fill in the blank: _____ is the path taken when an object is thrown.
What is Inertia?