Objects Moving Through Space
This elementary particle is most responsible for the chemical properties of an element.
What is an electron?
Heat only travels in this direction unassisted.
What is from hot to cold?
At the exact top of its path, a projectile has this speed and acceleration.
What is 0 m/s and g?
When you jump off a high platform and fall to the ground, this energy decreases continuously during your fall.
What is potential energy?
According to Newton, applied force causes this.
What is acceleration?
These two subatomic particles are found in the nucleus of an atom.
What are protons and neutrons?
This is what happens to the temperature of a parcel of air when it is compressed and no heat enters or leaves.
What is increases?
A parachutist falling at terminal velocity experiences this amount of air resistance.
What is equal to his own weight?
Riding your bike, you accelerate enough to double your speed, in doing so this is what happened to your kinetic energy.
What is quadrupled?
This force governs the movement of planets and stars in space.
What is gravity?
Elements heavier than hydrogen were formed here through nuclear fusion.
What is in the hot interior of stars?
The boiling point of a liquid does this when atmospheric pressure is high.
What is goes up?
This is the path that a projectile launched from Earth with a velocity of 10 km/s will follow.
What is an elliptical orbit around Earth?
Your power output when you do work on an object in half the usual time.
What is double?
As I stand on the floor, the floor pushes up with this amount of force on me.
What is my weight?
This element results when one proton is removed from a Cadmium (Cd) nucleus.
What is Silver (Ag)?
This is the thermal equilibrium temperature when you mix 100 ml of 40 degree water with 200 ml of 25 degree water.
What is 30 degrees?
A man leans over a cliff and throws a rock upward with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Three and a half seconds later, the rock has this velocity.
What is 15 m/s downward?
In a mixture of air, a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom move with the same kinetic energy. In comparing their speeds, you determine this.
What is the hydrogen atom moves faster than the oxygen atom?
Force probes on a satellite orbiting Earth measure the weight of the satellite to be 400 N. A NASA scientist concludes this about the force the satellite exerts on the Earth while in orbit.
What is it is 400N or equal?
This is the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the isotope helium - 3.
What is one?
As fog forms around icebergs, this happens to the surrounding air.
What is warms?
Two objects are shot in the air with a cannon, both at different angles. If both objects reach the same height, this must have been true of the initial vertical velocity.
What is it was the same?
The four means in which thermal energy can be transferred.
What is conduction, convection, radiation, and change of phase?
A ball rolling down an inclined plane hits a block and bounces. Compared to a ball that stops when it hits the block, you can conclude this.
What is the ball that bounces exerts a greater force on the block and undergoes a greater change in momentum?