Most paranasal sinuses and/or air cells drain, directly or indirectly, into the:
What is the Middle Meatus
The entry of bacteria through which space could lead to an infection in the mastoid air cells:
What is Auditory (nasopharyngeal) tube
The pharyngeal tonsils, or adenoids, may become inflamed and in serious cases need to be removed. Where would the physician search for them?
What is the roof of the nasopharynx
This is the name of this eye structure
What is the cornea
Following thyroid surgery, it was noted that a patient frequently aspirated fluid into her lungs. Upon examination it was determined that the area of the piriform recess above the vocal fold of the larynx was numb. What nerve may have been injured?
What is the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve
In assessing a deep laceration of the right side of the nose, the attending physician determines that the cartilage on the lateral side of the nostril has been cut. What cartilage was injured?
What is the Alar
Which structure is attached to the center of the tympanic membrane?
What is the handle of the malleus
Which structure forms a border of the tonsillar fossa?
What is the palatopharyngeal fold
The inner lining of the eyelid is called the?
What is the palpebral conjunctiva
The constrictor muscles of the pharynx receive their motor nerve supply from the?
What is the Vagus nerve
The middle nasal concha is part of what bone?
What is the ethmoid bone
This is a structure in the ear
Semicircular canal
This is a structure in the mouth
What is the Canine cuspid # 11
Following endarterectomy on the right common carotid, a patient is found to be blind in the right eye. It appears that a small thrombus embolized during surgery and lodged in the artery supplying the optic nerve. What artery would be blocked?
What is the central artery of the retina
Structure #3
What is the External jugular
A 23-year-old man comes to you complaining that he can't stop crying, i.e. tears regularly run down the right side of his face. You suspect that one of the lacrimal ducts on the right side of the face is blocked. You look into an endoscope to see if the nasolacrimal duct is blocked. Into which part of the nasal cavity would you look to see the opening of the duct?
What is the inferior meatus
A 45-year old woman with recurrent left middle ear infection (otitis media) complained of partial dryness of her mouth to her ENT surgeon. Taste sensation and hearing were normal. After a thorough clinical examination at the hospital, the doctor concluded that the infection must have spread to a component of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) that supplies the parotid gland. On which of the following walls of the middle ear is this nerve component located?
What is the medial wall
To drain an abscess (a closed collection of pus) affecting the cheek area, an emergency room physician used local anesthesia for the surgery. Which of the following nerves must be anesthetized because it carries pain sensation from the cheek area?
What is the buccal (V3)
You are testing the extraocular muscles and their innervation in a patient who periodically experiences double vision. When you ask him to turn his right eye inward toward his nose and look downward he is able to look inward, but not down. Which nerve is most likely involved?
What is the trochlear nerve
A 35 year old woman was diagnosed with an adenoma of the thyroid gland. This required excision of the lower pole (left lobe) of the gland and ligation of the artery supplying that region. Which of the following nerves accompanying the artery is most likely to be damaged if the surgeon is not careful?
What is the recurrent laryngeal
This is a structure in the nose
What is the vomer
A 3-year-old girl ruptured her eardrum when she inserted a pencil into her ear. Her mother took her to the emergency department after noticing that the child was crying and complaining of pain in her ear with a few drops of blood in the external auditory meatus. The attending doctor examined the child for possible injury to a nerve that runs across the eardrum. The most likely nerve to be injured is the?
What is the chorda tympani
A 38-year-old patient complained of acute dental pain. The attending dentist found penetrating dental caries (dental decay) affecting one of the mandibular molar teeth. Which nerve would the dentist need to anesthetize to work on that tooth?
What is the inferior alveolar
You are examining a patient who has a pituitary tumor involving the cavernous sinus. While doing a preliminary eye exam, you suspect the right abducens nerve of the patient has been damaged by the tumor. In which direction would you have the patient turn his right eye to confirm the defect?
What is outward
This is structure # 5
What is the facial vein