1 Dimensional Motion
Projectile Motion
Newton’s Laws, Forces
Work, Energy, and Power.

What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed is a scalar quantity, while velocity is a vector quantity


a bullet is fired at an angle of 60 degrees with an initial velocity of 200.0 m/s. how long is the bullet in the air? what is the maximum height reached by the bullet?

35.4 s

4601 m


A 5000kg truck and a 1000kg car are travelling at constant speeds and then collides. What is true about the Forces and acceleration on each?

Since they are moving with a constant velocity, the Forces on each of them are equal. But the 1000kg car will have greater acceleration since it has less mass


Which of the following measurements is NOT a Scalar? 



A stunt person jumps from the roof of a tall building, but no injury  occurs because the person lands on a large, air-filled bag. Which  one of the following BEST describes why no injury occurs?

The bag provides  an impulse greater than the person's change in momentum by decreasing the time of impact.


What is the SI unit for acceleration?



an egg is thrown horizontally off the roof of SI. which is 60 meters high, with an initial velocity of 6.5 m/s. how long does it take to hit the ground how far does it go in x direction. 


21 m away 


A student is drawing a free body diagram for the following scenario: "A penguin accelerates by sliding down an icy hill on its belly."

It should include an arrow pointing down along the ramp, because the force of inertia pulls the penguin down the ramp


if  6-kg bowling ball is rolled down the bowling lane with a velocity of 3.5 m/s what is the momentum of the ball 

22kg m/s


An elevator motor lifts 715 kg of mass to the height of the fourth floor of an office building (11.0 meters above ground level) at a constant speed in 9.35 seconds. Determine the power rating of the motor.

The motor must provide an amount of force equal to the weight of 715 kg; this is a force of (715 kg)•(9.8 N/kg) = 7007 N. The work done by this force is F•d•cosine(0°) = (7007 N)•(11.0 m) = 77077 J.


Suppose that an object is moving with a constant velocity. Which statement concerning its acceleration must be correct?

The acceleration is equal to zero


a diver jumps Up off a pier at an angle of 25 degrees with an initial velocity of 3.2 m/s. how far from the pier will the driver hit the water (assume the level of the water is the same as the pier)

0.8 m


A man is whirling a 0.5 kg ball on a 1.0 m long string at 2 m/s.  What is true about the force on the ball?

It pushes out, away from the center of the circle


A football is kicked across the field. Which of the following is true

A football is kicked across the field. Which of the following is true


A large, moving truck crashes into a small parked car. How do the  magnitudes of the impulses and the forces on each vehicle  compare during the collision?  

The truck experiences equal force and equal impulse


The figure shows a graph of the position x of two cars, C and D, as a function of time t.

According to this graph, which statements about these cars must be true? (There could be more than one correct choice.)

 The cars meet at time t = 10 s.

 Both cars have the same acceleration.


a bullet is fired at an angle of 45 degrees. neglecting the air resistance. what is the direction of acceleration during the flight of the bullet 



What is the acceleration of a wagon of mass 20kg if a horizontal force of 64N is applied to it (ignore friction)



if an object has a velocity of 8 m/s and a momentum of 40 kg*m/s what is the mass of the object 



On a recent adventure trip, Anita Break went rock-climbing. Anita was able to steadily lift her 80.0- kg body 20.0 meters in 100 seconds. Determine Anita 's power rating during this portion of the climb.

Anita needs to apply a force that is equal to her weight in order to elevate her body a distance of 20.0 m. This force is equal to (80 kg)•(9.8 N/kg) = 784 N. So the work she does to lift her body 20.0 m is (784 N)•(20.0 m)•cosine(0°) = 15680 J.


 What is the average acceleration of an object that changes its velocity from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in 5 seconds?

4 m/s^2


A ball is kicked horizontally  at 8.0 m/s from a cliff 80m high. how far from the base of the cliff will the stone strike the ground 

32m away 


A 0.50 kg skateboard is at rest on a rough, level floor, on which two lines have been drawn 1.0m apart. A constant horizontal force is applied to the skateboard at the beginning of the interval and is removed at the end. The skateboard takes 8.5 s to cross the 1.0m distance and then it coasts for an additional 1.25m before coming to a rest. Calculate the force applied to the skateboard, and also the constant frictional force opposing its motion.

7. 2.5x10^-2 N, 1.1x10^-2 N


Your high school player has thrown a ball horizontally down the football field. He needs to increase the time the ball is in the air to give the receiver an opportunity to get in the right position to catch the ball. Which factor will increase the flight time of the football?

Increasing the vertical height from which the ball is thrown


A book is lying at rest on the ground. A student picks up the book and places it on top of a bookshelf. What type(s) of energy does the book-Earth system now have?

The force on the puck cancels the force on the hockey stick because  the forces are equal and opposite