Ways to respond
Why Kids don't/tell
Children of all ages, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds are at risk for physical abuse.
Fact: Physical abuse affects both boys and girls across neighborhoods, communities, and countries around the world.
Children ages 4–7 and 12–15 are at the greatest risk of being physically abused. True or false.
You can call this number if you think a child is being abused or if your being abused or assaulted. 
What is 911.
Name a reason why kids don't tell about the abuse.

What is Fear that their parents will be mad at them or will hurt them worse for telling ■ Desire not to get their parents into trouble ■ Fear of being removed from their homes ■ A belief that it’s okay for their parents to hurt them ■ Fear of not being believed ■ Shame or guilt ■ Belief that they deserve the abuse for their “bad” behavior  ■ Idea that they owe their parent something and can't give up on them

About 80% of 21-year-olds who were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder.
Child physical abuse is a law. 

Fact. It is a law that is when a child is hurt or injured by a grown up who is taking care of them. This means red marks, bruises, cuts, broken bones, or hurt in any other way. 

Very young children are most susceptible to receiving serious injuries. True or False. Why or Why not? 

How does the law help with kids that have been physically abused? 

Child protective services may work with parents on their anger management or parenting skills to ensure that the kids are safe. CPS likes to help parents as much as possible. They help with providing parenting classes, getting therapists for the parents, helping with money, and helping the kids find therapists. 

Name another reason why kids don't tell.
What is Fear that their parents will be mad at them or will hurt them worse for telling ■ Desire not to get their parents into trouble ■ Fear of being removed from their homes ■ A belief that it’s okay for their parents to hurt them ■ Fear of not being believed ■ Shame or guilt ■ Belief that they deserve the abuse for their “bad” behavior
Physical abuse accounts for up to 17.8% of all child abuse documentation cases every year. True or False.
Child physical abuse is rare.
myth: In 2007, there were approximately 149,000 cases of child physical abuse reported in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Actual rates of child physical abuse are probably higher, since not every case is reported.2

Emotional abuse usually happens along with the physical abuse. What is an example of emotional abuse? 

when someone threatens to hurt you calls you a name to make you feel bad puts you down 


When does CPS remove kids from the home? 

If the parents are seen as 'unfit' and are consistently not doing what CPS asks, then yes, they can place the kids with another family. Usually that is temporary, until the parents can get themselves together: a job, housing, no drugs, done what CPS asks. If that continues to not happen, then CPS can become their guardian and they could be placed in foster care. 

Name a 3rd reason why kids don't tell about abuse.
What is Fear that their parents will be mad at them or will hurt them worse for telling ■ Desire not to get their parents into trouble ■ Fear of being removed from their homes ■ A belief that it’s okay for their parents to hurt them ■ Fear of not being believed ■ Shame or guilt ■ Belief that they deserve the abuse for their “bad” behavior
2 million cases of child abuse are reported every year in the U.S.
False. 3. 6 million of cases are reported every year. Chances are there are much more that are unreported and happening. 
It’s only physical abuse if you mean to hurt your child.
Myth: Even accidental injuries of a child are considered physical abuse if the act that injured the child was done intentionally as a form of punishment.

True or false. Physical abuse teaches children to be submissive, fearful, and/or aggressive. It also teaches them that hitting is a way to control other people or solve problems. The attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that grow out of physical abuse can cause a child to have problems at school, at home, and with friends. 

What are some feelings that kids/teenagers have from the physical abuse? 
sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, guilt, shame, embarrassment, worry, anxious, etc. 

What does it mean when we are slowly getting in the pool of water? 

Slowly talking about the scary thing that happened, the trauma. The physical abuse.

Approximately 5 children die every day because of child abuse. True or false.
What is true. In 2010, 1,537 children died of abuse or neglect. 79.4% were under the age of 4 and 47.7% were under the age of 1.
Physical punishment helps parents control their child’s behavior.
Myth: Parents who use excessive punishment are not in control. Physical punishment does not teach children how to make good decisions, how to determine what is right and wrong, or how to control their own behavior. Instead, physical punishment makes children submissive, fearful, and/or aggressive. It also teaches them that hitting is a way to solve problems with other people.
1 in 40 children have been physically abused
False. 1 in 14. 
What are three common ways in which kids react during a traumatic event? (hint-they all start with the letter F)

Fight, Flight, Freeze

List 4 reasons why/when a child might tell they've been abused.

1. realizing that the abuse they've suffered is wrong 2. not being able to cope with the abuse any more 3. the abuse is getting worse and the kid is tired of it. 4. wanting to protect other children from being abused 5. the desire to see the abuser punished 6. reaching a point where they trust someone enough to tell them 7. when someone notices some signs and asks them directly

84% of inmates in the prison were abused when they were kids. True or False
What is True Abused and neglected children are 11 times more likely to engage in criminal behavior as an adult.