Physical Abuse Symptoms
Defining Physical Abuse
Protective Factors
Stats involving Abuse

Later in life, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and obesity are all symptoms associated with this problem.

What is physical abuse?


Any non-accidental physical injury to the child. Striking, kicking, burning, or biting are just a few examples of this.

What is child abuse?


A parent who has achieved this kind of stability, they are more likely to be considered to be a protective factor in a child's life?

What is financial stability?


Spanking is illegal in this country.

What is Germany?


This many states reported fatalities involving physical abuse out of fifty total states reporting.

What is forty-nine?


The majority of substantiated claims of physical abuse are considered this.

What is minor?


Definitions are vague and subjective. It is difficult differentiate between intentional and unintentional and understanding cultural differences.

What are the difficulties in defining abuse?


A child who achieves this type of success can be also considered to be a protective factor.

What is success at school or work?


Some parents use this book as justification for spanking their children, citing their Christian beliefs as reason to support physical discipline.

What is the Bible?


This many children per 100,000 children in the population die from abuse and neglect.

What is 2.36 children?


These are considered the high risk periods for physical abuse.

What are infancy, toddlerhood, and adolescence?


About ___% experience physical abuse anneglect?

What is 28%?


These important people can also aid in providing a child with protection in a situation where physical abuse is a common problem.

Who are role models?


These religious sects are less likely to spank their more conservative counterparts. Name three religious groups.

Who are moderate Protestants, liberal Protestants, and Catholics?


In four years' time, this is the percentage of increased reports of children's deaths due to maltreatment.

What is 7.4%?


Most victims of physical abuse are of these three races or ethnicities.

What is White, Hispanic, and African-American?


Alcohol and drug abuse, in addition to financial problems and inadequate housing, all are a specific type of _______ ________ for parents who are likely to engage in physical abuse.

What are risk factors?


Having these family members in the home can also provide the child with a "safe haven" of sorts.

Who are grandparents?


External problems such as these were more likely to be exhibited in children who were spanked.

What are aggression and antisocial behaviors?


This percent of fatalities involved a parent.

What is 78%?


Almost 75% of children who were abused experienced this form of abuse.

What is neglect?


Some behaviors such as criminal behavior, interpersonal violence, socioemotional difficulties, and cognitive problems are all examples of this.

What are the impacts of physical abuse?


If a parent believes that corporal punishment as a religious mandate, this is one suggestion of how a professional can dissuade the parent from thinking this way.

What is by citing examples of corporal punishment in a holy book (such as the Bible) in adults?


Behaviors such as negative relationships with parents and mental health problems are often referred to as this when associated with spanking.

What are internalizing problems?


Approximately 70% of victims were mistreated by this parental figure.

Who is their mother?