Prenatal Development has how many stages?
What are 3 stages?
True or False
The baby grows ten to twelve inches in the first year.
What is True?
Changes to reproduction occur during this time.
What is Adolescent Development?
During this trimester a baby starts developing muscle and bone.
Second Trimester
Most infants are walking at ______ months.
What is 13 months?
Children refine small muscle and motor skills during this period.
What is Middle Childhood Development (6-12 years old)
Usually during this time, girls are taller and heavier than boys.
What is the Middle Childhood Development?
Children of this age need lots of physical activity. For example, singing songs such as "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands."
Preschool Development
Most infants sit at this milestone
What is 6 months?
Fingers and toes develop during this time
What is the second trimester?
A child can move a big ball before using scissors because gross motor skills are used before small motor skills during this development stage.
What is Preschool Development stage?
The fetus can see and hear during this trimester.
3rd Trimester
By eighteen months, a child's vocabulary "explodes" during this "Principle of Growth" period
From 8-38 weeks everything is present during this stage that is found in a fully developed adult. The fetus sleeps, awakens, turns its heat, etc.during this stage in the womb.
What is a fetus?
There's much variance in height and weight at this age.
What is Middle Childhood Development?
Oil glands and sweat glands increase in production, often causing pimples during this stage.
What is Adolescent Development?
This is the time when a baby's central nervous system is developed
1st Trimester
Usually by ________ months, babies enjoy games and songs.
What is 16 months?
The complex blueprint for life are developed during this time when 46 chromosomes combine from conception to two weeks.
What is a Zygote?
Infants generally sit at this month milestone
What is 6 months?
The major growth and change during this development stage is the cognitive domain.
What is the Middle Childhood Development Stage?
Fingers and toes of a baby develop during this trimester.
What is the Second Trimester?
This is the stage from birth to two years
What is Neonatal Development
Much of the weight gain from birth to 2 years old is muscle?
What is False? The weight gain is fat.
True or False
By age two, the child has reached 30% of his/her adult height.
What is False? It is 50%.