Five THemse
Map Skills
Physical Features
selling your bicycle to a friend is the example of which theme of geography?
What is movement
What is the longitude measure of the Prime Meridian and what is the name of the line at 180 degrees?
What is o degrees and International Date Line
what climates can be found in the low latitudes
What are the Tropics
What is a narrow strip of land between two bodies of water?
What is isthmus
What is geography?
What is the study of the earth and its people, places and interactions with the environment.
What are the lines which help us find the absolute location of any place on earth?
What is longitude and latitude
what is the latitude of the equator and what is the riddle that we will never forget which lines are which?
What is 0 degrees Latitude gets an attitude if its not flat, dude!
What climates can be found in the middle latitudes?
What is Temperate
what is a flat topped rock formation with steep sides?
What is Butte
What is the number of days in a year?
What is 365 1/4
Define Relative Location
What is the location of a place based on the areas or regions that surround it based on the cardinal directions.
The lines of latitude measure how far __________ and __________ you are of the __________ AND The lines of longitude measure how far __________ and __________ you are of the __________
north and south of the equator east and west of the prime Meridian
What climate types can be found in the high latitudes
What is Polar
What is an underwater sea growth of coral near the surface of an ocean
What is reef
Why do we study Human Environment Interaction?
What is to understand the ways people have adapted and modified thier surroundings. Also, how do we depend on the earth for everyday life.
What is the movement theme of geography?
What is the movement of GOODS, PEOPLE, and IDEAS
Identify the five major line of Latitude and what they allow geographers to do when making inferneces about climates.
What is Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Artic Circle Antartic Circle make inferences about regional climates
What are the four steps to determining CLimate of a region?
What is Latitude, Elevation, Ocean Currents, Large bodies of water
What is area of fertile soil rich with silt which flows downstream in a river and where the river empties into a large body of water.
What is a Delta
What is the picture you see of the natural vegetation, people, and physical features of a region.
What is a landscape?
What is the Human Environment Theme of Geogrpahy and give an example of each.
What is the way in which humans DEPEND, ADAPT and MODIFY thier environment. VARIES
what is the geographic grid and how does it help geographers?
by using the geogprahic grid of latitude and longitude they can locate any place on earth
What is the nbest climate type fo Agriculture?
What is Temperate or tropical
What is a gropup of small islands
What is an archipalego
Thinking on a large scale and trying to analyze all parts of the geographic world is known as thinking ____________.
What is spatially.