Wild Category

Which brand has this jingle: "They're magically delicious."

Lucky Charms


______________ Relationship: You and food are happy and content. 



What are 4 ways to be physically active? 

Running, swimming, walking, lifting, sports, yoga, biking, etc.


What is REM?

Rapid Eye Movement


True or False: Physical health refers to how your body looks or its size.

False: Physical health does NOT refer to how your body looks or its size.


Define: What is body hygiene? Give an example.

Keeping your body clean. 

i.e. Bathing/showering, using deodorant, nail care, period management, wearing clean clothes


______________ Relationship: You and food are in a messy relationship with minimal happiness.

Very Complicated


True or False: Movement isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal.

True: Movement isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal.


You go through this sleep cycle every _______ minutes during the night.

90 minutes

What are 3 ways to measure physical health? Name all 5 for an extra 200 points.
  • Activity levels

  • Blood work

  • Blood pressure and heart rate

  • Sleep pattern

  • Substance use (alcohol, vaping, and other drugs)


Define: What is hand hygiene? Give an example.

Thoroughly and routinely washing your hands.

i.e. After using the bathroom, before you eat, after you sneeze, and anytime you handle unclean objects. 


Food-Based Message: “My New Year’s Resolution is to stop eating sugar.”

Restricting and Limiting Yourself


For adolescence, what is the recommended goal for exercise? And how many steps per day should you be achieving? 

60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity. 

7,000-10,000 steps per day.


How does sleep impact your life? Name at least 2. Name all 4 for an extra 200 points.

  • Extracurricular Activities

  • Mental Health and Emotional Processing 

  • Relationships

  • School/Work


What is BMI? And is it an effective health assessment?

BMI- Body Mass Index

No, it is not an effective health assessment tool.


Define: What is Sickness hygiene? Give an example.

Taking care of yourself when you’re sick and working to avoid getting ill.

i.e. cover you mouth and nose when you sneeze, minimize contact with sick people, rest when you are unwell, and seek medical care when needed.

Name the three reasons why we eat.
  • …to nourish our bodies with nutrients. 

  • …because food tastes good and brings joy to our lives. 

  • …as a way to connect with others, as well as to experience, explore, express, and share culture. 


What are the benefits of Physical Activity? Give at least 3 out of the 5. Name all 5 for an extra 200 points.

  • Improved heart health

  • Lower risk of disease 

  • Strengthens your bones and muscles 

  • Mood and energy booster

  • Promotes better sleep


What are the benefits of sleep? Name at least 3. Get all 4 for an extra 100 points.

  • Process Emotions & Regulate Mental Health

  • Improved Cognitive Performance 

  • Boosted Immune System

  • Wiser Decision-Making


What are at least 3 of the 5 beauty standards. Name all 5 for an extra 200 points.

  • Physical Characteristics

  • Body size and weight expectations 

  • Strict dieting 

  • Vigorously working out

  • Public Opinion


Define: What is Sleep hygiene? Give an example.

Getting adequate amounts of restorative sleep by practicing enriching sleep habits

i.e. go to bed and wake up at consistent times, avoid certain substances before bed, have a cozy sleep environment, intentionally lessen your sleep debt.


Food-Based Message: "I have to go on a run because I ate cookies and ice cream."

Punishing Yourself After Eating


How does regular physical activity help you care for your body?

Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities.

How many sleep practices are there? Give at least 2 of them. 

There are 5 sleep practices. 

#1: Be mindful of how caffeine, energy drinks, and alcohol impact sleep and make thoughtful choices concerning these substances.

#2: Create a cozy sleep environment that is cool, dark, and quiet.

#3: Keep consistent sleep routines by going to bed and waking up at the same time.

#4: Move your body throughout the day.

#5: Shut off electronic devices before bed and leave them in another room


What are at least 3 of the 4 physical health standards. Name all 4 for an extra 100 points.

  • Metrics to measure how the body functions

  • Ability to move body and pain/discomfort levels 

  • Nourishing your body

  • Amount of restorative sleep