Mixtures and Solutions
Physical Properties

The amount of mass in a known volume of an object or substance



What is the difference between an item or substance being more dense or less dense?

More dense will sink to the bottom while less dense will float to the top. 


Being magnetic is a physical property of an iron nail

True or False



  How can a mixture of iron filings and a powdery substance like flour easily be separated?  

A. By placing the mixture in water

B. By using a magnet

C. By performing a chemical reaction

D. By heating the mixture

B. By using a magnet


14. An adult was asked to compare the masses of three balls that were all the same size but made of different materials. The adult used a balance to compare the masses of two    balls at a time. The adult repeated this process another time with a different pair of balls and recorded observations.

Which list shows the balls in order from greatest to least mass?

A. Balls C, B, A

B. Balls A, B, C

C. Balls B, A, C

D. Balls C, A, B

C. Balls B, A, C


a force that pulls magnetic materials accross a distance



Objects that blow into a swimming pool or that are dropped into the pool by swimmers need to be removed. These objects include foam cups, keys, and coins. What explains a useful method for removing some of these objects. 

A. The keys and coins are less dense than water, so they can be easily picked up off the bottom of the pool by divers.

B. The foam cups have the same density as water, so they can be crumbled up for removal by the pool filter.

C. The foam cups are less dense than water, so they can be removed from the surface with a pool cleaning net. 

D. The keys and coins have the same density as water, so they can be washed away when the pool drained. 

C. The foam cups are less dense than water, so they can be removed from the surface with a pool cleaning net.



Draw a series circut and a Parallel circuit 

Make sure you label both and include switches

Answers may vary

Series circuit looks like a circle while a parallel circuit looks like a ladder 


What happens when saltwater is heated?

A. The water evaporates and the salt remains in the beaker.

B. Both the salt and the water evaporate and leave the beaker.

C. The salt and the water condense.

D. The salt will evaporate from the water and disperse into the environment.

A. The water evaporates and the salt remains in the beaker.


Students made observations of several different substances and classified them into the groups shown. How could you classify each group in the chart below?


Group 1: ____________________

Group 2: ____________________

Group 3: ____________________

Which of the following materials should be classified into Group 3?

Group 1         Group 2          Group3                     Wood             Water             Helium                        Iron               Lemonade           ? 

What belongs in the question mark for group through?

A. Glass

B. Granite

C. Oxygen 

D. Plastic

Group 1 : Solid

Group 2 : Liquid 

Group 3: Gas

C. Oxygen


a combination of two or more substances that do not form a new substance 



A teacher puts five different colored liquids in a graduated cylinder. The liquids separate into different layers by color as indicated in the diagram. Then the teacher puts a ball into the graduated cylinder. The ball floats in the third layer. What can be said about the density of the ball?

A. The density of the ball and the densities of all of the liquids are equal.

B. The density of the ball is less than the density of the liquid in the top layer.

C. The density of the ball is equal to the density of the liquid in the middle layer.

D. The density of the ball is greater than the density of the liquid in the bottom layer.

C. The density of the ball is equal to the density of the liquid in the middle layer.


Which of these is the best conductor of electricity?

A. Glass rod

B. Cotton String

C. Plastic Tubing

D. Copper Penny

J. Copper Penny


Ralph is making a salad. He mixes together lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots. His friend Shannon does not like carrots. Which of the following best explains why Shannon would be able to eat the salad without eating the carrots in the salad?

A. A salad is not considered a mixture.

B. A salad is a mixture which means it can be separated.

C. Mixing the salad combines all the ingredients.

D. The carrots change their physical properties when mixed.

G. A salad is a mixture which means it can be separated


A cardboard box contains a variety of materials—an iron nail, an aluminum pie pan, a drinking glass, a plastic ruler, a rubber band, and a Styrofoam cup.  Based on what you know about the items’ physical properties, all of the materials could be classified as -

A. solids.

B. good insulators.

C. good electrical conductors.

D. good thermal energy conductors.

A. Solids


a mixture with one substaance spread out so evenly in another substance that you cannot tell the two substances apart



Classify the following items based on desnity:

Plastic bag, nickel, leaf, marble ball, wood 

Plastic bag, wood, and leaf are less dense than water

nickel and marble ball are more dense than water


Aluminum and iron are both magnetic 

True or False


Only iron is magnetic 


Which of these best describes the change in salt grains as they dissolve in water?

A. The grains change their properties until they become water.

B. The grains get higher in temperature until they melt into a liquid.

C. The grains get smaller in size until they can no longer be seen.

D. The grains are washed clean until they are perfectly clear.

C. The grains get smaller in size until they can no longer be seen.


Copper wiring is used in many electrical engineering projects because it allows electricity to travel through it easily. Most times the copper wiring is covered in plastic for safety. Why does the plastic covering create a more safe environment?

A. Plastic is a conductor.

B. Plastic is smooth.

C. Plastic is an insulator.

D. Plastic is less expensive

C. Plastic is an insulator.


What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator  adn give an example of each

Conductore helps the flow of energy 

example: Penny, iron nail 

Insulator stops or keeps the flow of energy in

example: wood, plastic 


A student puts four objects in a bucket filled with water. The objects are listed below.

Plastic ball, Glass marble, Metal paper clip, Wood block

Which two objects are most likely less dense than the water?

A. Wood block and metal paper clip

B. Plastic ball and glass marble

C. Metal paper clip and glass marble

D. Wood block and plastic ball 

D. Wood block and plastic ball 


For an investigation, a teacher dropped a nail into a container of water and asked students to remove it without touching the water. The students first tried to use a strong magnet to remove the nail, but it remained on the bottom of the container. They finally poured the water into another container to get the nail out.

Which of these best describes some of the nail’s physical properties?

A. The nail is magnetic and has the same density as the water.

B. The nail is nonmagnetic and more dense than the water.

C. The nail is nonmagnetic and less dense than the water.

D. The nail is magnetic and less dense than the water.

G. The nail is nonmagnetic and more dense than the water.


Some mixtures can be easily separated into each of its original ingredients.  Which of the following mixtures could be most easily separated?

A. saltwater

B. cake batter

C. gravel and water

D. salt and peper

C. gravel and water


Name 7 physical properties of matter

Mass, Magnetism, physical state, relative density, solubility, conduct, insulate