Force and Motion
Scientific Investigations
Properties of Matter
Sound and Light
Wind is blowing from the west to the east. The wind pushes the sails of a boat and makes the boat move... A. West B. East C. North D. South
What is east?
Jenny wanted to know if tomato plants need sunlight in order to grow. What kind of investigation can Jenny do to answer the question? A. Set whole group of plants in the sun and record the results. B. Set a whole group of plants in the sun and water half of them. C. Set whole group of plans in the shade and record the results. D. Set some plants in the sun, some in the shade, and compare the results.
What is set some plants in the sun, some in the shade, and compare the results?
What will happen to small particles in a liquid that is cooled? A. The particles will become smaller. B. The particles will become larger. C. The particles will begin moving slower. D. The particles will begin moving faster.
What is the particles will begin moving slower?
Which feature of a lizard helps it to catch its food? A. ability to change color B. scaly skin C. tail that can regrow D. long, darting tongue
What is long, darting tongue?

Each color of light represents a different amount of________. A. sound B. gravity C. matter D. energy

What is energy?

_________is a force that acts between two objects which are touching. This force slows any movement between the two objects. A. Gravity B. Friction C. Magnetism D. Pressure
What is Friction?
Conclusions based on evidence about events that have already occurred are... A. predictions B. inferences C. observations D. hypothesis
What is inferences?
In which of the following states of matter does a substance have a definite shape? A. liquid B. plasma C. solid D. gas
What is solid?
Many birds avoid cold winter weather by ______________. A. wilting B. sleeping C. shedding D. migrating
What is migrating?
Which of the following would produce a loud sound? A. vibrations with a large magnitude B. vibrations that are moving slowly C. vibrations that are moving quickly D. vibrations with a small magnitude
What are vibrations with a large magnitude?
Why is it harder to lift a 100 pound sack of rice than to lift a 5-pound bag of sugar? A. It takes more force to move the lighter sack. B. The bag of sugar is larger than the sack of rice. C. Rice is always heavier than sugar. D. More force has to be used to lift the heavier sack.
What is more force has to be used to lift the heavier sack?
Before a scientific experiment can be started,__________is needed. Then, research for the experiment can begin. A. an experimental design B. a conclusion C. a testable question D. a graph or table
What is a testable question?
What would be these best way to separate oil from water? A. heating B. mixing C. filtering D. pouring it off
What is pouring it off?
Beavers cut down trees to use as wood for building lodges and dams. Which basic need of beavers is being met when beavers do this? A. their need for air B. their need for prey C. their need for shelter D. their need for warm weather
What is their need for shelter?
Which of the following describes the bending of light due to a change in its speed? A. absorption B. refraction C. reflection D. transmission
What is refraction?
An object that is pulled with the least amount of force will... A. not move at all. B. Move the furthest. C. Move the slowest. D. Move the fastest.
What is move the slowest.
Jenny is doing an experiment to se if students in her class like apples or oranges best. She will offer each student an apple or an orange. Then she will record how many students took each kind of fruit. What is a valid prediction Jenny could make about the results of her experiment? A. More students like apples than bananas B. There are 26 students in her class. C. Apples are red. D. More students like apples than oranges
What is more students like apples than oranges?
What are the three satiates of matter? A. gas, dust, liquid B. water, solid, ice C. liquid, gas, solid D. water, gas, solid
What is liquid, gas, solid?
Some plants have structures or features that protect them from harm. If a plant has bitter-tasting leaves, what would this most likely protect the plant against? A. people who would pick the plant for its pretty flowers B. caterpillars that would eat the plant C. hot weather that would cause the leaves to dry up D. cold weather that would cause the plant to freeze.
What is caterpillars that would eat the plant?
Which of the following properties of sound is determined by the strength of the vibrations creating the sound? A. speed B. pitch C. none of these D. volume
What is volume?
_______is a force that keeps the Moon orbiting the Earth.
What is gravity?
Forecasts about what may happen in future situations are... A. conclusions B. predictions C. observations D. inferences
What is predictions?
In which of the following states of matter are the particles close together but still able to flow? A. plasma B. liquid C. solid D. gas
What is liquid?
Which adaptation would be beneficial to an animal living in the arctic? A. large ears B. padded feet C. short tail D. long legs
What is padded feet?
Why does a prism break down white light into all the rainbow colors? A. Prisms refract white light B. Prisms subtract white light C. Prisms reflect white light D. Prisms absorb white light.
What is prisms refract white light?