Two of a kind
Just name it!
Its the principle of the matter
TEAM Questions
Its all about the UNIT

The two divisions of science that are branches of physical science.

What is chemistry and physics?


These three things below are evidence of ___________ in nature:

daily, weekly and monthly cycles

repeated patterns found in the properties of structure of elements

all seasons.

What is order?


This principle allows us to conclude that gravity acts the same today and will tomorrow as it did yesterday.

What is the principle of uniformity?


As a scientist, you may attempt to imitate the order found in this word beginning with the letter n.

What is nature?


This six letter word beginning with A is the SI unit for electric current. 

What is the ampere?


These two objects describe the types of specific sciences that we study in Physical Science - that is the study of “All substances or materials” and “the source of power of all living things”

What is Matter and Energy? 


This vocabulary word is used to help guide Christians in making good decisions. Examples are: What will provide meaning and well-being to my existence? 

What is Ethics?


this principle (or law) says that we should as good Christians, create products that benefit other people, replicate the nature of order created by God and study and care for all of creation. 

What is the Creation Mandate?


This is God’s commandment to exercise dominion over the earth. 

What is the Creation Mandate?


A conversion factor always equals this digit.

What is ONE?

As part of the scientific method, This process allows other scientists to review and assess research prior to publication.

What is peer review?


F = ma is an example of this category of scientific models:

What is a law?


This is the systematic study of the universe to produce observations, inferences, and models. 

What is science?


How should the principle of God’s image bearers affect ethical decision making? 

All humans are made in Gods image; therefore, we must make decisions out of respect for all people and for their benefit and protection. 

While measuring a graduated cylinder, a scientists detemines that one gives a greater degree of exactness than the other. This can be referred to a p____________.

What is precise or precision?


This customary system allows

easy reproducible standards

is used most worldwide

and is easier with the decimal-base.

What is the Standard International? (SI)


This state of being correct, compares a measurement to the expected value. 

What is accuracy?


This is a system of moral values. 

What are ethics?


Give an example of a model used in physical science. 

Atomic models, wave models, models for the behavior of gases, models of molecules, scale models, conceptual models, mathematical models, equations, and computer models or simulations. (Page 11)


This unit is always used in science to measure temperature. 

What is Kelvin (K)?


This table demonstrates a natural, orderly and predictable arrangement of matter.

What is the periodic table?


The decimal place to which a scientist makes a measurement can be referred to as ………

What is precision? 


This is a model that explains a related set of phenomena.

What is a theory?


How is scientific inquiry different from the scientific method?

Scientific inquiry is a continuous process that is more cyclical than the scientific method. 


This base unit measures length.

What is the meter?


This two word phrase, beginning with H _______ P_________ is a targeted outcome of Christian ethics!

What is human prospering?


Because our world demonstrates order, this implies that we must also have this 7 letter word starting with C. 

What is a creator?


This is a physical, conceptual, or mathematical explanation or description of a phenomenon. 

What is a model?


What role does research play in scientific Inquiry?

Scientists need to determine what others already know about a topic. Research allows a scientist to focus his investigation on the aspects that are not yet understood.


This base unit measures volume.

What is the Liter?


These two methods of collecting data might get you tongue tied! 

What is qualitative and quantitative?


When collecting data using instructions, scientists may take this type of measurement beginning with a Q. 

What is Quantitative?

This is a model that describes phenomena under certain conditions. 

What is a law?


WHY should a scientist use an orderly approach to investigate the world?

An orderly approach allows a scientist to be accurate in collecting, analyzing, and reporting findings. God created our world with build in order. 


This unit measures the mass.

what is the gram?

(Although, in physical science we almost always use a larger unit - the Kilogram)