Motion Review
Forces and Motion Newton's Laws
Work, Energy, Thermal Energy
Scientific Method and Measurements
Describe the motion of the graph below
What is it is showing constant speed?
What is the SI unit for force?
What is the Newton?
This is the SI unit for work and the SI unit for power
What is the Joule and the Watt?
This is a build up of electric charge in an object
What is the static electricity?
This is the definition of a control
What is a standard or comparion group that the standard group is mesaured against?
This is the difference between speed and velocity?
What is velocity is speed and direction? (They use the same formula)
This is what happens when two force are balanced (define balanced forces)
They are of equal size and in opposite directions
This is the definition of potential energy
What is energy due to shape or position?
An object that gains electrons has a ____________ charge and an object that loses electrons has a ________ charge.
What is negative and positive?
This is the SI prefix for milli
What is .001?
Describe the motion of the graph below
What it is moving at a constant acceleration?
This is the conservation of momentum
Momentum is neither lost nor gained, but it is always conserved
This is the difference between heat, temperature, and thermal energy
What is heat is a transfer of thermal energy, temperature is the average KE of the particles, and thermal energy is the total energy of all particles contained in the object?
This is the difference between a series and parallel circuit
What is in a series there is one pathway for electrons to flow through and in a parallel circuit there is more than one pathway for charge to flow?
This is the number of variables an experiment may change in a controlled experiment
What is one? All other variables should be constant or controlled to avoid affecting the results of the experiment.
List the types of friction in order from strongest to weakest
What is static friction, sliding friction, rolling friction?
A balanced force is able to do what to things?
What is keep an object at rest or maintain constant velocity?
Describe the energy of the roller coaster at b
What is potential energy changing into kinetic energy?
This is the SI unit of charge, the SI unit of current, the SI unit of voltage, and the SI unit of resistance?
What is the Coloumb, the ampere, the volt, and the ohm?
Ally wants to figure out how salt affects the growth of plants. She gathers 30 ferns and puts them on her window sill. She waters them the same amount each day. She give 10 ferns 10 g of salt, 10 ferns 5 g of salt, and the 10 ferns no salt. These are her control group AND her constants
What is control group: 10 ferns with no salt? What is the constants are same plants, same amount of sun, and same amount of water?
Your dog escaped off leash. He ran north 5 m, west 10 m, south 5 m, and east 10 m in a circle around a building. This is your dog's displacement and distance.
What is distance is 20 m and displacement is 0 m?
Name all of Newton's Three Laws
What is an object in motion says in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force; F= mx a; and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction?
This is the definition of each type of heat TRANSFER
What is conduction: heat transfer through a solid, convection is the transfer of heat through a fluid as warm air rises and falls, radiation is heat transfer as waves through space?
A guitarist wants to figure out the current of his amplifier. His amplifier puts out a voltage of 50 Va and has a resistance of 5 ohms. This is the current of his amplifier (you need to have correct units to get this right!)
What is 10 amps
There are the SI base units and their measurements
What is length (meter), mass (kilogram), temperature (Kelvin), and time (seconds)?