The high point of a wave
What is the crest?
An electromagnetic wave travelling as a transverse wave.
What is light?
Random sound with no intended pattern.
What is noise?
A mixture of all the colors of light.
What is white?
The strength of a sound wave.
What is intensity.
A periodic back and forth motion that transmits energy.
What is a wave?
The bouncing of light that occurs as a result of a collision with an object or boundary.
What is reflection?
A musical instrument's distinctive sound quality.
What is timbre?
The three additive primary colors of light.
What are red, green, and blue?
The change is a wave's frequency caused by an object's motion.
What is the Doppler effect?
A substance through which a wave transfers its energy.
What is the medium?
The scientist who demonstrated the existence of invisible electromagnetic waves.
Who is Heinrich Hertz?
The reinforcement or cancellation that occurs when two or more sound waves meet.
What is interference?
The collective term for the three colors of pigments that can be combined to make most other colors?
What are the subtractive primary colors?
The study of sound.
What is acoustics?
The maximum distance that particles are displaced by a wave.
What is the amplitude of a wave?
Tiny bundles or packets of energy located on the light wave.
What are photons?
The result when two notes interfere harmoniously.
What is consonance?
The process in which colors are produced by interference of reflected light.
What is iridescence?
A vibration travelling through a medium in the form of a longitudinal pressure wave.
What is a sound wave?
The direction that a wave bends when it passes between two media.
What is bending toward the media that causes slower speed?
The experiment that shows the particle nature of light.
What is the photoelectric effect?
Uses the reflection of sound to calculate distance.
What is echo ranging?
The phenomenon that occurs when millions of water droplets act like tiny prisms and refract white light.
What is a rainbow?
A beam of light that is concentrated narrowly and coherently.
What is laser light?