
Critical thinking

What is the formula and unit for acceleration ?

Change in velocity / Change in time
m/s 2


What is a position time graph? speed time graph? 

A graph that shows the relationship between time and position / speed and time


Define a force FULLY

Any push or pull that has the ability to cause change in motion


what type of line would represent  constant speed? non constant?

straight line , curved


How do objects move from one spot to another? 

By forces acting on them


Give an example on positive ,negative and Zero acceleration

+ speed going up

- Speed going down 

0 speed is constant or equal to zero  


What does the slope represent in a position time graph? and a speed time graph?

position time graph -> speed

Speed time graph --> Acceleration 


Look around the classroom and give 4 examples of forces .

Friction ( Static)

friction ( kinetic )

Push / Pull ( Applied)

Gravitational force 


Normal force


How would you find the total distance travelled in a speed-time graph ? Give the formula as well. 

Find the area under the Graph ( For triangle -> 1/2*base*height )

Square/rectangle -> height*width 


Give 4 keywords that would indicate change in velocity in a scenario. 

speeding up, slowing down , landing, turning, taking off, parking, stopping, moving in a circle ...


Using your pencil case, demonstrate what projectile motion is and then define it. 


It is the motion where an object is moving under the influence of gravity only. 

Throw your pencil case at a friend in a projectile manner. 


What is the general formula of the slope?

what is the formula of the slop in a position time graph ? what is the formula of the slope in a speed time graph?

 Δ y / Δ X

Δ distance / Δ Time

Δ speed / Δ Time


Why are we more affected by earth's gravity even though the mass of the sun is larger ?

B/c we're closer to the center of earth than to the center of the sun ( Less distance --> Less gravitional pull)


what do we call a diagram that shows all the forces acting on object?
The teacher will choose an object in class and you will need to come up and draw  a diagram showing the forces acting on it. 

Free-body diagram 


T/F : Friction makes energy vanish. Explain your answer. ( hint : when you rub your hands together , what happens) 

The energy is not vanished because energy can not be created or destroyed rather converted into different forms. Because the friction, the energy is converted to heat and dissipated into the surroundings._____________________________

When you rub your hands together, the action of scraping the surface of your skin back and forth against each other causes the molecules in your skin to move a little faster. The faster that molecules move, the higher the temperature. So the friction of rubbing your hands together makes them feel warmer.

Using a pencil, Demonstrate circular motion and a free fall. 

Then define both ( use speed and direction within your definition )

Circular motion : An object moving in a circle causing a change in direction. 

Free fall : the object falling due to gravity it's speed changes/increases as it gets closer the ground. 


In the following image ( position time graph) : describe the motion of the object in ABCD.

A : No motion 

B : Moving forward in constant speed

C : Moving forward in constant speed 

D : Moving forward in increasing speed


Name  4 non contact forces 






Define the " moon phases " based on what you studied about them. 

It is the lunar cycle ( moon ) observed on the earth as evidence on the earth's gravitational force on the moon where the moon completes an orbit every 27.3 days.


What is air resistance? Show it's direction on the board ( teacher will draw an object falling to the ground and you will need to decide how to represent it). 

Weight/gravity pull down while air resistance pulls up.


A chicken was running in a speed of 2m/s for 15 minutes.
It then jumped 0.5 meter in the air to avoid a rock in it's way.
When it reached the ground, it continued with a speed of 1 m/s within 2 seconds. 

What is the acceleration during the time it fell to the ground and started running again? 


0.5 m/s2


Create a story that would presented by the following position time graph ( You can't change the story as you're telling it). 

A Increasing speed ( non-constant) forward
B No motion for a while
C Constant speed forward
D No motion for shorter while
E constant speed backwards to the origin point 


Without using your NB, name the 2 cases in which the net forces are balanced

1. Motionless object

2. Object moving in constant speed


Come up to the board and derive the unit of Force. 

Kg.m/s2 ( Newton )
weight * gravitational acceleration 


Name 3 devices/invention used to increase friction. 

Brake-pads in cars.
The scratching strip on the side of a matchbox.
The ridges on the soles of snow-boots.

Cleated shoes ( football shoes)

Bathroom mat ( made of special material like polyester to increase friction as not to slip)