Force and Motion
This is the reason scientists use SI units when recording their observations.
What is SI units are standardized and are understood by everyone.
This part of the atom is directly involved in chemical reactions.
What is electron?
This is the name of a bond that is created when when an electron is shared between atoms.
What is a covalent bond. An ionic bond is when the electron is transferred from one atom to another.
MARBLE GRAPH Of 0, 0.67 m/s, 1.5 m/s, or 150 m/s; it is the average speed of the marble as it rolls across the floor.
What is 1.5 m/s
HIKING TABLE This is the hikers average speed for the entire trip.
What is 6.7 km/h?
MARBLE DENSITY This is the density of the marble shown in the diagram.
What is 1 gram per cubic centimeter.
Elements in a vertical column on the Periodic Table have this in common.
What is they all have the same number of electrons in their outer shell.
Balance the following chemical equation 2C2 H6 + O2 = ? CO2 + 6H2O
What is 4
HIKING TABLE This is the hiker's total displacement.
What is 0.
If a soccer ball has a mass of 0.42 kg, a velocity of 28 m/s for 1.6 s, and an average acceleration of 17.5 m/s/s, this would be the amount of force the kicker supplied.
What is 7.35 N F=ma
This is the reason that the model of the atom has changed over time.
What is because scientists have made more accurate observations and new discoveries.
Of the following, *it sinks in water *it conducts heat *it is harder than gold *it turns green with age this one is a chemical property of copper.
What is it turns green with age? The other characteristics are physical.
Of *the pH of a solution *the boiling point of a compound *the substances that make up a solution *the elements that make up a compound it is what you can learn from a chemical formula.
What is the elements that make up a solution.
According to Newton's Second Law of Motion (F=ma) this is what happens to your lawn mower's acceleration when the pushing force is suddenly doubled.
What is the acceleration will double.
This law states that matter is neither destroyed nor created in a chemical reaction.
What is the law of the conservation of matter.
The law of gravity is this because it applies to all objects in the universe.
What is a universal law?
This is what we call an isotope of carbon that has 6 protons and 8 neutrons.
What is is carbon-14. (protons + neutrons)
When sodium hydroxide is dissolved in a beaker of water, this one is the solute.
What is sodium hydroxide. A solute is dissolved into a solvent. Water is the solvent.
According to Newton's Third Law of Motion this is the force on a golf club when a golf ball is hit forward with 500 N of force.
What is a backwards force of 500 N.
A reaction that gives off heat is called this kind of reaction.
What is an exothermic reaction?
These are three reasons why a globe is a model of the earth.
What is *the shape of the earth *location of the continents and oceans *earth's tilt *location of the axis and poles?
On the Periodic Table the nonmetals are found here.
What is in the upper right corner.
Of the following examples, this one is an example of a precipitation reaction: *Solid C6H12O8 + O2 gas =CO2 gas and H20 gas *Solution of HCl + solution of NaOH = solution of NaCl *Solution of AgNO3 + solution NaCl = solid AgCl + solution NaNO3 *Solid Fe + O2 gas = solid Fe2O3
What is a solution of AgNO3 + a solution of NaCl = solid AgCl + solution NaNO3 A precipitate is a solid that forms as a result of a chemical reaction.
This is the average acceleration of a soccer ball with a mass of 0.42 kg, that travels at a velocity of 28 m/s for 1.6 s.
What is 17.5 m/s/s
This explains why an object will accelerate faster as it falls.
What is the force of gravity.