One Step Dimensional Analysis
Two step Dimensional Analysis
Scientific Method
Random Science
Convert 45 inches to feet.
What is 3.75 feet

Convert 8 ounces per cup to pounds per quart

What is 2lb/qt


An observation based on color and texture. Sight Based

What is a qualitative observation


The part of the experiment that I control.

What is an independent variable?


The genus and species of this land mammal are the same name as well as it's true name

What is a gorilla?

Convert 36 feet per second to feet per minute.
What is 2160 ft/min
Convert 40 yards per minute to feet per second
What is 2 ft/sec
A comprehensive list of units that are based on the metric system

What are SI units?


In a controlled experiment, a scientist is studying the time it takes parachutes of different sizes to fall to the ground from the ceiling. 

What is an independent variable for this experiment.

The Sizes of parachutes


The deepest ocean trench on the planet.

What is the Mariana's Trench?

Convert 320 ounces into pounds
What is 20 lb
27 miles per gallon into kilometers per liter
What is 11.5 km/L

A statement based on repeated experiments or observations that are used to describe and predict natural occurances.

What is a law?


Create a hypothesis in regards to the observation of the leaves changing color.

Answer should be an if then statement.

This mineral is extremely strong, but due to popular belief- they do not last forever. Over the course of a few thousand years they will eventually turn into graphite.

What is a diamond?

Convert 12 L into gallons
What is 3.2 gal
How many kilometers per hour are there in 240 meters per minute?
What is 14.4 km/hr

An explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested. Can change based on new observations and information.

What is a theory?

A table, a bar graph, math equations and observations made during an experiment are always connected to this step of the scientific method.

What is data analysis?


Which freezes faster

hot water or cold water?

what is hot water?

Convert 10 inches into centimeters
What is 25.4 cm

Georgia wants to make sure her new table can fit in her room. She has a 7 foot space in her dining room where her new table can go. When building her table, she realized that her table was 2.6 meters long. Does Georgia have enough room for her new table? How do you know?

What is No, Georgia will not have enough room.


What are the steps of scientific method?

Observations, Ask a question, Form a hypothesis, Conduct and Experiment, Review the data, write and support your conclusion


You want to know whether the temperature of water affects how quickly a sugar cube will dissolve, or seem to disappear, into the water.  If you were to design an experiment, list two variables that you would keep constant throughout the investigation.

thermometer type, where the water came from, how much water, etc


Sharks have this many bones in their body.

What is 0?