Range of Motion
Assistive Devices
Application of heat and cold
Random Rehabilitation
Treat those with injuries and rehabilitate using everyday activities
What is an occupational therapist
Full range of movement of a muscle or joint. Exercises are designed to move each joint and muscle through its full range of motion.
What is Range of Motion
a band of fabric or leather that is positioned around the patients waist
What is a gait belt
are administered to relieve pain, reduce swelling, reduce body temperature and control bleeding
What is cold therapy
Heat applications cause ______. The blood vessels in the area become dilated. More blood comes to the area. Therefore more oxygen and nutrients are available to stimulate healing.
What is vasodilation?
Help those with physical injuries regain range of movement and control their pain
What is a Physical Therapist
A tightening and shortening of a muscle resulting in permanent flexing of a joint
What is a contracture
Artificial supports that assist a patient who needs help walking
What are crutches
Cold applications cause _________. The blood vessels become smaller. Less blood comes to the area. Swelling decreases because fewer fluids are present.
What is vasoconstriction
Name an example of a dry heat application
What is warm water bag, heat lamp, hot water bottle
Rehabilitate those with hearing loss
What is an audiologist
Performed by patients who are able to move each joint without assistance
What is active range of motion
An assistive device that provides balance and support
What is a cance
administered to relieve pain, increase drainage from an infected area, stimulate healing, increase circulation to an area combat infection and relieve muscle spasms or increase muscle mobility before exercise
What is heat therapy
Hydrocollator packs should not exceed a temperature of
What is 170 degrees
Assist patients in and out of therapy areas of a clinic. Offer help to patients when needed
What is a physical therapist aide
the patient actively moves the joints but receives assistance to complete the entire ROM
What is Active assistive Rom
a four legged device that provides support. Often used for weak patients who have a poor sense of balance even though no leg injuries are present
What is a WALKER
More penetrating and more effective in relieving pain in deeper tissues than in dry heat
What is moist heat
The patient must be checked frequently when an application is in place. Example of things to look for include
What is color and temperature of the skin, amount of pain and bleeding, circulation
Help those with speech impairments
What is a speech language pathologist
administered by a therapist and the exercise are performed against resistance provided by the therapist
What is resistive ROM
Name the gait: Used when both legs can bear some weight. It is a slow gait. Example: the right leg is moved, then the left crutch is moved. The left left leg is moved, then the right crutch is moved
What is a 4 point gait
Another name for cold applications is ______. Another name for heat applications is ______.
What is cryotherapy and thermotherapy
If any abnormal symptoms are noted with heat or cold application, the application should be
What is discontinued