Definition of Ohm's law
Empirical physical law that defines the relationship of the electromotive power of the source (or electrical voltage) with the current flowing in the conductor and the conductor resistance.
What is Time
The duration of the event.
The father of modern electricity
Nikola Tesla
What is Newton's Law
Three important laws of classical mechanics that allow to record equations of motion for any mechanical system, if the forces acting on components of its body are known.
What is electric current?
Directional (orderly) movement of particles or quasi-particles-carriers of electric charge
The value of Ohm's law
Ohm's law defines the power of current in the electrical circuit at a given voltage and known resistance.
What is mass?
The value determines the amount of matter and the inertial and gravitational properties proportional to it
Who developed the theory of disappearance of black holes?
Stephen Hawking
Newton's first Law
There are such systems of counting, called inertial, concerning which material points when they do not operate any forces (or operate forces mutually balanced), are in a state of rest or uniform rectilinear movement.
What is direct current?
Current, the direction and value of which do not change in time.
Ohm's law for alternating current
Considerations about the properties of the electrical circuit when using a source (generator) with a variable in time EMF remain fair. Special consideration is only subject to the accounting of the specific properties of the consumer, leading to a different time to achieve the voltage and current of its maximum values, that is, the accounting phase shift.
What the power measures
Speed of energy change.
What did William Conrad X-Ray discovered?
He managed to open the X-radiation, which later received the name in honor of the scientist-X-ray.
Newton's second Law
In the inertial system of counting acceleration, which receives a material point with a constant mass, directly proportional to the equivalent of all the forces attached to it and inversely proportional to its mass.
What that sinusoidal current
Periodic electric current, which is the sinusoidal function of the time. Among the current variables the main one is the currents, the value of which changes according to the sinusoidal law.
Ohm's law in differential form
It is useful to rewrite Ohm's law in the so-called differential form, in which dependence on geometric dimensions disappears, and then Ohm's law describes only the conductive properties of the material.
What is Space
Length an object in one spatial dimension.
Area in two spatial dimensions
Volume in three spatial dimensions
Who together with the husband Pierre and the known physicist Beckerel studied interaction of salts of uranium and sunlight, as a result of experiments have received the new radiation which has been named radioactivity?
Maria Curie-Sklodovskaya
Newton's original wording
The change in the amount of movement proportional to the applied driving force and occurs in the direction of the line on which this force operates.
What is quasi-stationary current
"Relatively slow alternating current, for instantaneous values of which the laws of constant currents are performed with sufficient accuracy" (TSB)
The interpretation and limits of the applicability of Ohm's law
Ohm's law, unlike, for example, the law of Kulona, is not a fundamental physical law, but only an empirical ratio, well describing the most common types of conductors in the approximation of small frequencies, current densities and Intensity of the electric field, but not to be observed in a number of situations.
Description of the bodily angle
A part of the space that is the union of all the rays that go out of a given point and intersect a certain surface
Hydrogen bomb maker
Andrey Sakharov (USSR, Russia)
Newton's laws in mechanics course logic
There are methodologically different ways of formulating classical mechanics, that is, the choice of its fundamental postulates, on the basis of which then the laws-effects and equations of motion are deduced. Giving Newton's laws the status of an axiom based on empirical material is only one such way ("Newtonian Mechanics"). This approach is adopted in high school, as well as in the majority of university courses of general physics.
Eddy Currents
Eddy Currents (Foucault currents) are "closed electric currents in a massive conductor, which occur when the magnetic flux that penetrates it is altered", so eddy currents are the induction current. The faster the magnetic flux changes, the stronger the eddy currents. Eddy currents do not flow on certain paths in wires, and closing in a conductor form vortical contours.