P.V.A. Graphs

The metric base unit for distance is this.

What is the meter (m)?


A quantity that has a magnitude and direction is called this.

What is a vector?


Describe in words the motion that would produce this graph.

You would start standing at 4 meters from the zero on your coordinate system and stand there for 2 seconds then walk at a constant speed toward the zero for 3 seconds reaching the zero.


These two concepts describe the amount of distance covered in an amount of time.


The different between these is this.

What is speed and velocity?


What is speed is just how fast you are going, while velocity also has a direction. Speed is a scalar, velocity is a vector.


You drop Bob off a roof assuming there is no air. Before he hits the ground he is in this state.

What is free fall?


The metric base unit for velocity is this.

What is meter per second (m/s)?


On earth the acceleration due to gravity is described with this vector. 

What is 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s2) downward, or -9.8 m/s2?


Describe in words the motion that would produce this graph.

What is a constant velocity of 3 m/s in the positive direction for 2 seconds, not moving for 1 second, and then moving at a constant velocity of 1 m/s in the negative direction (or -1 m/s) 


The slope of a position graph gives you this information.

What is the velocity?


You are trying to turn off at the Fred Meyers exit and a car next to you in the turning lane will not get out of the way and let you into the turning lane. You stay driving parallel and miss your exit so later that day get arrested for road rage. The velocities and accelerations of your cars were this when you missed your exit.

What is they were the same?


The metric base unit for acceleration is this.

What is meters per second squared (m/s2)?


A ball moves at a constant speed in the west direction. Name the vector that describes this.

What is a velocity vector pointing in the positive west direction?


You are given a position graph. The sketch of the velocity graph is this.

What is the first two seconds will have a line with positive slope of 1, the next two seconds will be flat and on the time access, and the final second will be a flat line at -4 m/s.


An object's motion in the up-and-down direction has this effect on the motion of the same object in the side-to-side direction.

What is no effect?


You are flying south to Florida to escape the Fairbanks winter. Explain if the acceleration vector of your plane can ever point north.

What is the acceleration vector will point north as you are you slow down as you are landing in Florida since the velocity vector always point south, but you slow down when velocity and acceleration happen in opposite directions?


The metric base unit for mass is this.

What is the kilogram?


This must be true about the sign of velocity and acceleration vectors if an object is speeding up. 


The signs of velocity and acceleration vectors being opposite means this.

What is the vectors must have the same sign?


What is the object is slowing down?


The motion of a ball is modeled with this graph. Something happens at 3 seconds to the ball.

What is the ball changed direction?


An objects position is given with an equation that relates position, velocity, and acceleration. The general form of this kinematic equation is this.

What is x = xo+vt+1/2at2?


Describe the acceleration of the object shown in the graph at each second from 1 to 4.

What is second 1: slowing down in positive direction, second 2: speeding up negative direction, second 3: not accelerating, second 4:speeding up in positive direction.


The metric base unit for force is this.

What is the Newton (N = kg*m/s2)?


A ball rolls down a 30 degree ramp with the high side on the left at a speed of 10 m/s. The velocity of the ball in the horizonal and vertical directions are these.

What is about 8.68 m/s (or 10cos30o m/s) in the horizonal direction moving toward the right and 5 m/s (or 10sin30o m/s) in the vertical direction downward.


The position versus time graph is shown for two toy cars. At this time these toy cars have the same speed. 

What is the toy cars do not have the same speed ever?


If you are in outer space and give Bob a shove out an air lock and he speeds off at 1 m/s. You have a string floating long side Bob's path and he grabs it at 1 minute. The type of motion Bob did for that minute is this and the length of string Bob grab is this long.

What is uniform motion with constant acceleration and he has 60 meters of string?


The area under an acceleration curve if initial velocity is known from the initial time to final time gives you this.

What is the final velocity?