
A ball is thrown directly upward with a speed of 25.0 m/s. How high does it rise? 



A 5 kg block is pulled across a table by a horizontal force of 40 N with a frictional force of 8 N opposing the motion. Calculate the acceleration of the object.  

6.4 m/s2


Determine how much momentum an electron (m= 9.1 x10-31 kg) moving at 2.18 x 106 m/s (as if it were in a Bohr orbit in the H atom).

1.98E-24 Kgm/s


Two spherical objects have masses of 200 kg and 500 kg. Their centers are separated by a distance of 25 m. Find the gravitational attraction between them.



A station broadcasts radio signals with a frequency of 1.023 x 108 Hz. The radio wave signal travel through the air at a speed of 2.997 x 108 m/s. Determine the wavelength of these radio waves.

2.930 m


A tiger leaps horizontally from a 6.5m high rock with a speed of 3.5m/s. How far from the base of the rock will she land?



A car of mass 875kg is traveling 30.0m/s when the driver applies the brakes, which lock the wheels. The car skids for 5.60 s in the positive x direction, before coming to a rest.  How far did the car travel?

84 m


A beach ball is rolling in a straight line toward you at a speed of 0.5 m/sec. Its momentum is 0.25 kg·m/sec. What is the mass of the beach ball?

0.5 kg


What is the surface gravity of the moon if Its radius is 1.7 x106 m and its mass is 7.4 x 1022 kg.



A wave with a frequency of 12.3 Hz is traveling from left to right across a rope as shown in the diagram at the right Positions A and B in the diagram are separated by a horizontal distance of 42.8 cm. Positions C and D in the diagram are separated by a vertical distance of 12.4 cm. Determine the speed of this wave

2.63 m/s

  1. Renatta Gas did it again. She failed to fill up her tank during the last four weeks. The velocity-time graph below represents the last six seconds of motion her car before being stranded on a highway in route to her university. How far did they travel during her last 6.0 seconds of motion?


54 m


A 75 kg man standing in an elevator notes that as the elevator rises the scale reads 825N. What is the acceleration of the elevator?



The velocity of an object before a collision is directed straight north and the velocity after the collision is directed straight west, as shown above. Which of the following vectors represents the change in momentum of the object?

D The direction of the change in momentum of an object will be the direction of V. The resultant of V2 – V1 is shown below.


What would be the surface gravity of a planet whose radius is double that of the Earth and whose mass is also double that of the Earth.

4.9 m/s2


A marine weather station detects waves which are 9.28 meters long and 1.65 meters high and travel a distance of 50.0 meters in 21.8 seconds. Determine the speed and the frequency of these waves.

 0.247 Hz


A rescue plane wants to drop supplies to isolated mountain climbers on a rocky ridge 235m below. If the plane is traveling horizontally with a speed of 250km/h.  How far in advance of the recipients (horizontal distance) must the goods be dropped?   



A boat moves through the water with two forces acting on it, one is a 2000N forward push by the water on the propeller and the other is a 1800N resistive force due to the water around the bow. The boat is 1000kg. If it starts from rest how fast will the boat be moving after 10 seconds

(2 m/s)


NASA's Langley Research Center has been experimenting with the use of air bags to soften the landings of crew exploration vehicles (CEV) on land. What stopping time will be required in order to safely stop a 7250 kg CEV moving at 7.65 m/s with an average force of 426000 N? 

0.130 seconds


Mars has two moons Phobos and Deimos. What is the escape velocity of deimos if the Mass: 1.4762 x 1015kg, Radius of Deimos 6200 m

5.5 m/s


A transverse wave is observed to be moving along a lengthy rope. Adjacent crests are positioned 2.4 m apart. Exactly six crests are observed to move past a given point along the medium in 9.1 seconds. Determine the speed of these waves.

1.6 m/s


A projectile is shot from the edge of a cliff 125m above ground level with an initial speed of 65m/s at an angle of 37.0 degrees with the horizontal. How far in the x from the cliff does the projectile land?

541 m


A boy coasts down a hill on a sled reaching a level surface at the bottom with a speed of 7.00m/s. If the coefficient of friction between the sled's runners and the snow is 0.050 and the boy and sled together weigh 60kg how far does the sled travel on the level surface before coming to rest?



10 g bullet moving horizontally at 375 m/s penetrates a 3 kg wood block resting on a frictionless horizontal surface. If the bullet slows down to 300 m/s after emerging from the block, what is the speed of the block immediately after the bullet emerges.



What is the orbital period of Deimos (hours) if it has an orbital radius of 2.35E7m and the mass of Deimos is 1.4762 x 1015kg, and the Mass of Mars is 6.39E23kg. 

30 hours


In the Standing Wave Lab, lab partners Chloe and Paige adjust the frequency of a mechanical oscillator in order to vibrate a 1.38 m length of elastic cord at one of its harmonic frequencies. The cord vibrates with the pattern shown below when the frequency is set to 79.4 Hz. Determine the speed of the waves in the elastic cord.

43.8 m/s