Gravity, Mass, and Weight
Momentum and Impulse

A word used to describe a quantity that has magnitude and direction

What is Vector?


Any free falling object has this acceleration due to gravity

What is 9.81 meters per second squared?


A force of 50 N pushes a box to the left, and friction pushes in the opposite direction with 35 N of force. This is the net force of the box.

What is 15 N?


The change in momentum of an object

What is impulse?


The equation used to solve for the Work of a person/object

What is W = Fd?


A car moves 100 meters in 4 seconds. This is the quantity of the velocity of the car in meters per second.

What is 25 meters per second?


This is the definition of weight

What is the force of gravity on an object?


Every action(force) has an equal and opposite reaction

What is Newton’s Third Law?


The total amount of momentum in a closed system will always remain constant

What is the conservation of momentum?


A source of energy that can be reused forever, examples are solar energy and wind energy

What is a renewable source of energy?


This type of slope shows acceleration/deceleration in a distance/displacement versus time motion graph

What is a curved slope?


This is the gravitational force between 2 balls that have a mass of 3 kilograms each and are 10 meters apart from each other

What is 6.0 x 10^-12 N?


This is the equation that goes along with Newton’s second law

What is Fnet = ma?


A pumpkin slams into the ground. If the Impulse of the pumpkin stays constant, and I increase the time of impact, this will happen to the force exerted on the pumpkin.

What is the force will decrease?


The potential energy of a ball at the top of a ladder is 25 Joules. The kinetic energy of the same ball as it hits the ground after falling of the ladder is this.

What is 25 Joules?


A thermometer reads a temperature of 3° Celsius. The quantity the thermometer reads is scalar because it only has this property

What is magnitude?


A man on Earth has a weight of 150 N on earth. The same man goes to a different, smaller planet and his weight is now 95 N. What happens to the man’s mass and why?

What is the man’s mass stayed constant because differences in gravity doesn’t affect mass?


Tree A has a mass of 500 kilograms, and Tree B has a mass of 700 kilograms. This is which tree has a larger inertia, and which of Newton’s laws can be used to explain the correct answer

What is Tree B, and What is Newton’s first law?


A ball is kicked into a bucket. The ball and bucket stick to each other and continue moving. This is the equation one would use if they would like to solve for the velocities before and/or after the collision, or the masses of the ball/bucket.

What is m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1+m2)vf?


The power of a machine is 60 Watts. If the machine works for 5 seconds, this is the work of the machine

What is 300 Joules?


Kathy runs around her neighborhood. She runs 300 m East before running 400 m South. If Kathy can run the shortest distance possible while reaching the same point in 50 seconds, this is the velocity of Kathy using the shortest distance.

What is 10 meters per second Southeast?


Two objects, one with a mass of 7500 kilograms, are placed 3 meters apart from each other and have a gravitational force of 0.007 Newtons. This is the mass of the second object.

What is 125,856 kg?


Forces can cause an object to do these four things

What is speed up, slow down, change direction, and change shape?


A spring is placed between 2 cars, one with a mass of 35 kilograms, and the other with a mass or 20 kilograms. When the spring is released, the 35 kilogram car moves to west with a velocity of -7.5 meters per second. This is the velocity of the 20 kilogram car

What is 13.125 meters per second?


According to the Work-Energy Principle, this property is equal to the work of an object

What is the change in kinetic energy?