Conservation of Momentum
Thermal Energy
Potential Energy/Conservation of Energy
Specific Heat
Types of Waves

A ___________ causes and is equal to a change of momentum.

Impulse                                  force

Joule                                      watt

what is impulse


The heat from a hot burner to a pot is transferred by





what is conduction


what is the Potential energy of a 0.25-kg volleyball when it is 1.3 meters above the floor?

PE=m*g*h        g=9.8m/s2

what is 3.2 Joules of PE


When water is heated from 10 degrees C to 60 degrees C, what is the change in temp. of water.

what is 50 degrees Celsius


A wave in which the particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling.

surface wave                        medium

Electromagnetic wave            transverse

what is electromagnetic wave


Cart A is pulled with a 2-N force for 2 seconds and Cart B is pulled with a 1-N force for 3 seconds, which cart experiences the greatest impulse?

what is Cart A


Lava lamps work when the light bulb leaks the wax, the wax rises. When the wax cools, it falls. This cycle of rising/falling is an example of:

conduction                         radiation


what is convection


The gravitational potential energy of a 3.0 m high diving board is 1800-J. What is the person's mass. 61.0-Kg


what is 61.0-kg


The amount of energy required to raise the temp. 1-degrees C for every kilogram is called.

Thermal Energy                          Specific Heat

Temperature                               Kinetic Energy

what is Specific heat


A sound wave moving through the air is what kind of wave?

longitudinal                        water wave

a tranverse wave                hand wave

what is a longitudinal wave

If a 2-Kg football has a momentum of 16-kg*m/s during its flight. What is its velocity?

what is 8m/s


Ironing a shirt is an example of condensation, conduction, convection, or radiation.

what is conduction


what is the mass of a rock that has 26-Joules of Kinetic energy, when it moves with a speed of 2.7 m/s?

m= 2*KE/v2

what is 7.13-kg


what is the formula to calculate heat energy required to raise the temp. of any substance.

Q=mcT                          Q=mc

Q=.5mv                         m=qc

what is Q=mct


which of these is the best way to produce a Longitudinal wave?

heating a block of ice

squeezing and releasing a metal spring

freezing a tray of water

shaking a rope up and down

what is squeezing and releasing a metal spring


The total momentum before a collision is _________ the total momentum after a collision.

equal to                              less than

more than                      it depends on the type of                                                     collision

what is equal to


Jackson likes to cook but is always in a hurry. he needs a pot that will cook his food quickly. Which is the best material for his cooking pot?

copper                                   glass

plastic                                    wood

what is copper


as an object is falling, it gains less ...............

kinetic energy                   G-Potential Energy

Electrical Energy                Chemical Energy

what is Gravitational Potential Energy


The specific heat of water is 4.18J/g*C. The specific heat of wood is 1.760 J/g*C. what material needs more energy to raise the temp?

water                       wood

both are the same

what is water


All waves carry .............................


energy                                       light

matter                                       particles

what is energy


How can a basketball and a car have the same momentum?

have the same speed          one is moving backwards

have different speeds          they can't have the                                                  same momentum

what is having different speeds


a material with a __________ temperature has particles that have a great average kinetic energy.

high                              low

what is high temperature


An Object has 64-J of Kinetic Energy, 134-J of potential energy, then it will have _____________ of Mechanical Energy.

8,576-J                            70-J

189-J                               198-J

what is 198-Joules


How much heat Energy is needed to raise the temp. of 2-Kg of water from 5-degrees C to 100 degrees C. The specific heat capacity of water is 4,200J/Kg*C

what is 798,000 Joules of energy