Out of Left Space
A Brief History of Motion
Taneja Time
This physicist won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in a 'relative' field.
Who was Albert Einstein?
If Faris were to, by chance, fall down the stairs in a frictionless environment, his downward acceleration could be modeled by this constant. (For bonus points: at what value?)
What is gravity (at 9.8 or 10 m/s^2)?
The planets in our solar system orbit the sun in this very particular shape. No, Faris, it is not a circle.
What is an ellipse.
This physicist, who lived during the 16th Century, is famous for his staggering genius revealed in The Principia (written in less than two years), as well as his seeming ignorance for sitting under a ripe apple tree.
Who was Sir Isaac Newton?
If Mrs. Taneja kicked Faris off of the roof of the science building, his path before hitting the ground could me described using this type of motion.
What is projectile motion?
You might call this physicist a 'bore'; he won the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work creating a model of the atom that bears his namesake.
Who was Niels Bohr?
Faris is, once again, falling down (this time off of the Burj Dubai). However, before he fell, Faris had lots of this type of energy (while at the top of the building). This energy could hypothetically be found using what formula?
What is Potential Energy and the formula PE=mgh?
Also the name of a popular television series, this theory is widely accepted as accurately describing the moments just after the creation of our universe.
What is the Big Bang Theory?
This ancient Greek physicist gave us one of the most basic principles of fluid mechanics. The principle also bears the physicist's name.
Who was Archimedes?
If Mrs. Taneja threw Faris into a pool, and Faris floated at the top of the pool, the buoyant force acting on him could be measured using this equation (assume Faris is like a solid box).
What is the equation for buoyant force = Pgh?
This physicist won the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work determining a famous constant that now bears his name. Please don't confuse him with a board!
Who was Max Planck?
Faris' cousin Ferris Bueller is driving across the country in his friend Cameron Fry's car. If Ferris puts the car in cruise control, traveling in no particular direction, the car could be said to have this constant scalar value. If the car is instead traveling west at a constant value, it could be said to have constant what?
What is a.) speed and b.) velocity?
Describe three ways in which the earth is moving as we speak.
What are spinning, orbiting, and wobbling?
This Italian scientist and philosopher is credited with defining the modern scientific method and creating the heliocentric model of the solar system.
Who was Galileo Galilee?
If Mrs. Taneja decided to hit Faris with her train, the momentum of her train (in a frictionless environment) before hitting Faris could be measured using this equation.
What is the equation for momentum p=mv?
This 'Noble Gas' is created as a byproduct of radioactive decay. It is also one of the most common elements in universe.
What is Helium?
Faris, not to be confused with Ferris, is about to wreck Mrs. Taneja's car. At the last possible second, Faris turns the car, driving in a wide circle (go figure). As Faris drives in the circle at a constant speed, he can be said to have this type of acceleration.
What is centripetal acceleration?
VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE! In recent news, this private company sent the first commercial supply ship to the ISS.
What is SpaceX?
This relatively modern physicist, hailing from Poland, is credited with the invention of the alternating current (AC), sonar, and the famous coil which bears his name. His inventiveness was rivaled only by longtime peer Thomas Edison.
Who was Nikolai Tesla?
If Mrs. Taneja decided to, hypothetically, of course, send Faris traveling in space at the speed of light to the second power, Faris would be violently converted into this scalar quantity. (Include the equation in your response).
What is Energy and the equation E=mc^2
FINAL JEOPARDY! According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe as we know it (the visible universe) is approximately this old (include decimal to the tenths place).
What is 13.7 billion years old? (13.6 or .7 wins - if not correctly guessed, next closest answer)