True or False
Do the Math
Wild Card
Speed is:
What is the rate at which an object covers distance, measured as distance divided by time.
T/F: Reading a speedometer on a car is the instantaneous speed.
What is True

Acceleration: If you are moving at 56 m/s after 8 seconds, what is your average acceleration?

What is 7 m/s2


Fill-in-the-blank: In a free fall, objects velocity _______________ and its distance _____________ further and further each second.

What is increases

Define acceleration:
What is velocity divided by time. Velocity is speed and direction. It is the rate at which velocity changes.
T/F: If you are going around a curve, you are accelerating.
What is True-because you are changing direction.
T/F: When a basketball player jumps, her acceleration is?
What is g=gravity on Earth's surface.
If a ball is thrown up in the air, at the top of the path the instantaneous speed is?
What is 0 m/s (at the top it pauses so no speed)
T/F: If you are traveling at a constant rate you are accelerating.
What is False-your acceleration is 0 m/s2
T/F: Free falling objects speed falls at about 10m/s
What is True-
If a ball is thrown straight up, at the top of the path the acceleration is?
What is 10m/s2
With no air resistance, objects fall at constant____________.
What is acceleration.
Hang time-how long is the hang time for athletes usually?
What is less than 1 second.
T/F: if you drop a feather and a coin in a tube with air, they will land at the same time.
What is False-the coin will land first. However, if you put them both in a vacuum, they will land at the same time.
If a motorcycle travels 30 km in 30 minutes, what is its average speed?
What is 60 km/h (you divide distance by time but then convert to hours by multiply by 60)
If a free falling object starts from rest, after one second where will its speed be?
What is 10 m/s
If a ball is thrown up, on the way down the ball's speed will: a. increase b. stay the same c. decrease
What is b. stay the same
Projectiles: If a projectile is fired straight up going 30 m/s, how long until (in seconds) it returns?
What is 6 seconds.
T/F: The acceleration due to gravity is 20m/s2
What is False-it is 10m/s2
An apple falls from a tree and .8 seconds later it hits the ground. How fast was it going when it hit?
What is v=g x t So 10 x .8= 8m/s
A crate falls from an airplane from 1200 m. How long will it take to hit the ground?
What is d=1/2gt2 so, 15.5 seconds
A pencil on your desk is not in motion, yet relative to the sun the pencil is moving how fast?
What is 30 m/s; because the Earth is moving 30 m/s around the sun.