Random calculations and Vocabulary
Acceleration/ Velocity/ Position

This is the unit for speed 

What is m/s


This is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth

What is 9.8 m/s^2 or 10 m/s^2


This is how far an object in free fall will have fallen after 10 seconds

What is 100m or 98m


This is what the slope on a pt graph represents

What is Velocity


These are the 2 BASIC forms of energy

What are Kinetic and Potential


A ball is thrown with a vertical velocity of 50 m/s, how long does it take for the ball to reach it's max height

What is 5 seconds


The Universal law of gravitation is an _______ law, as the farther an object is from another the less of a gravitational pull it has at an increasing amount

What is inverse square


It takes Tom 5 minutes to run to a tree 600 meters away. What is his average velocity?

What 120m/min


Given: A car accelerates from rest to 30 m/s in 20s 

____ is the average acceleration of the car

What is 1.5 m/s^2


What does a spring constant refer to on a graph, and what variable represents it

What is the slope and K


The horizontal acceleration of a projectile is always _____.

What is zero


This is what forms when a supermassive star collapses in on itself

What is a black hole


An object containing both magnitude and direction is known as _______

What is a vector


Given: a= fnet/ total mass, a 65kg man runs into a woman and is brought to a stop with an acceleration of -20m/s^2. 

_____ is the force the woman exerts on the man, and _____ is the force the man exerts on the woman

-1300 N, and +1300 N


If a car begins at the top of a hill in motion and then rolls down a hill with no friction, and comes to a stop at the bottom and is compressed by a spring

Find the Initial form(s) of energy and Final form(s) of energy acting upon the car

Initial: What is kinetic and gravitational potential energy

Final: What is elastic potential energy


Given: Mass=1kg, Radius= 2m, Time for 1 rev=1s, and equation 2(pi)r/t

Find the speed of the object

What is 12.56 m/s


This is the force of gravity at a distance of 4x the Earth's radius

A. 2.5

B. 40

C. .61

D. 9.8



A man pushes a 20 kg crate to the left with a force of 200N and another man pulls the same crate to the left with a force of 100N. The crate is moving at a constant rate of 6.42m/s.

What is force of friction on the crate?

What is 300N

This is the equation of a line that has points (2, 10) (0,36)

Y= -13x+36


This is the spring constant of a line that has points (10, 30) and (25, 60)

What is 2 n/m


Given: mass=2 kg, radius= 1m, Time for 1 rev= 2s, and equations v=2(pi)r/t, Fnet= mv^2/r

Find the Fnet 

What is 19.72 newtons


_______ is the name for the radius in which any object can turn into a black hole at

What is The Schwarzschild radius 

Given: A ball is thrown with an initial vertical velocity of 20m/s and horizontal velocity of 40m/s

___is how long it takes the ball to reach max height

What is 2.04 seconds


A ball is thrown directly upwards.

What is the acceleration and velocity at it's max height

Velocity 0m/s

Acceleration 10m/s


Given: A 10kg car, initially at rest rolls down a 5m high hill. 

 Ignoring friction, find the energy equation, and what is the speed of the cart at the bottom of the hill

Energy equation: mgh= 1/2mv^2

Speed= 10m/s