Law of Conservation of Energy
Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
the definition of the law of conservation of energy
What is the total energy of an isolated system remains constant
formula for potential energy
What is Ug= mgy Ug=mgh

A dropped object has its highest kinetic energy just before this location

What is hitting the ground


While he and his family are moving, Joshua drags his suitcase across the floor. In doing so he changes the suitcase's energy by 1,099 Joules. If he does all of this within 17 s, how much power has he put out??

What is 65 W


A person lifts a ball so that it has 50 J of potential energy. They then drop it. How much kinetic energy does it have before it hits the ground?

50 J


A dropped object has equal kinetic and potential energies at this location

What is the midpoint of its fall


position where the potential energy is at its lowest for a dropped object

What is bottom

definition of kinetic energy??
What is "moving" energy

If Aimee does 5.1 J of work to move her dresser drawer a distance of 2.3 m and all of this is done in 8 s, how much power has been exerted??

What is .64 W


A cart is at rest and compressing a spring. The spring stores 100 J of elastic energy. The cart then releases and moves across a flat ground. Some time later it has 75 J of kinetic energy. How much thermal energy was created?

25 J

the type of energy that is stored in food and is the enrgy of molecular bonds
What is chemical

Ball A is held 3.0 meters above the floor. Ball A has a mass of 4.0 kg. At what location must you hold Ball B, a ball with a mass of 6.0 kg so that it has the same potential energy as Ball A?

What is 2.0 meters

A 4 kg ball is n a 5 m ledge, if i's pushed off, how much kinetic energy will it have just before hitting the ground??
What is 200 J
A 60 watt bulb runs for 5 seconds. How much energy does it use??
What is 300 J

A 6.0 kg cart is launched up a hill. At the bottom of the hill it is moving at 4.0 m/s. If no energy is lost, what is the greatest height the cart can reach?

0.81 meters

A black toy truck is heading left with a mass of 6 kg at 12 m/s towards a red truck moving to the right with a mass of 8 kg at 10 m/s. When they collide, their new velocity is 5 m/s. What is the amount of thermal energy that is lost to this collision??
What is 700 J
a rolling ball has 18 J of kinetic energy and is rolling 3 m/s. find its mass.
What is 4 kg

A 2.3 kg mass is attached to a spring that has 4.76 J of elastic energy stored in it. What is the mass' speed as it is launched from the spring?

What is 2 m/s


You run up the top of the stairs. You then run to the bottom of the stairs in the same amount of time. What is your Power? (Hint, what is you change in energy?)

What is 0 W


A 3.0 ball is held at rest 9.0 meters above the ground. What is the ball's speed right before it hits the ground?

13.3 m/s

a 25 kg ball is thrown into the air, going 10 m/s. calculate how high it travels
What is 5 meters
which has more potential energy?? an empty plane or a full plane? (both are flying)
What is full plane

Ek = 100 J v = 2 m/s What is the object's mass??

What is 50 kg


Person A and Person B are competing against each other, they both can lift 75 kg boxes 3.5 m off of the ground. Person A lifts her box in 1.5 s and Person B lifts his box in 2.4 s. Which person uses more power??

What is Person A


A 3.0 kg ball is rolled up a hill. At the bottom of the hill, the ball is moving at 6.0 m/s. While rolling up the hill, 20 J of energy leaves the system through work. What is the highest height the ball reaches?

1.15 meters