Forces and Motion
Energy and Momentum
Wave Nature of Light
Modern Physics
A yoyo is spun in a vertical circle. At the bottom of the circle, the centripetal force is equal to this.
What is F(T) - F(g)
The area under a Hooke's Law graph is equal to this quantity
What is the electric energy store in the spring? Bonus: what is the slope of the graph?
These are the units of measurement for electric field intensity.
What is N/C?
An interference pattern is seen on a screen after light passes through a single-slit slide. Bright fringes are seen when the path difference between the upper-most and lower-most rays multiples of this.
What is half the wavelength of the light?
This is seen when a high frequency photon and an electron collide in space.
What is the photon moves to a lower frequency and gives the electron energy/momentum. Bonus: what is this phenomenon called?
When analyzing projectile motion, you usually need to analyze motion in this dimension first.
What is vertical. Bonus: what is the formula for initial vertical velocity?
This is the name of the phenomenon that causes a canoe to move backward if you take a step forward.
What is recoil?
A proton travels due east through a magnetic field pointing due north. This is the direction of the magnetic force felt by the proton.
What is up? Bonus: what would be the direction of the force felt by an electron?
Compared to the interference pattern formed by a double slit, a diffraction grating's pattern looks like this.
What is widely spaced, narrow bright fringes?
The hadron uu is impossible for this reason.
What is quarks must form groups with an integer multiple of e? Bonus: what are three-quark groups called?
When analyzing motion on a plane, F(g) must be resolved into these vectors.
What are F(perpendicular) and F(parallel)? Bonus: what formula is most commonly used in determining a final answer?
This is conserved in elastic collisions
What is kinetic energy?
Suppose a 5 microCoulomb charge is placed 30 cm to the right of a -8 microCoulomb charge. This is where a negative test charge should be placed in order to experience a net force of zero. (qualitative answer, not quantitative)
What is to the right of the positive charge?
As the frequency of light increases, its wavelength does this.
What is decreases? Bonus: what happens to its energy?
At relativistic speeds, increasing the kinetic energy of an object causes an increase in this
What is mass? Bonus: what is the formula for the object's kinetic energy?
An object experiencing a net force of zero has this velocity.
What is constant velocity?
This is equal to change in momentum.
What is impulse? Bonus: describe an application of impulse.
This formula is used to calculate the kinetic energy of a particle as it exits a parallel plate particle accelerator.
What is E(k) = qV? Bonus: where does the formula come from?
Polarizing sunglasses should block out light in every orientation except for this.
What is vertical?
An astronaut travelling at relativistic speeds observes someone on Earth watching a 1-hour episode of the Sopranos. The astronaut would claim the show lasted this long. (qualitative answer)
What is longer than one hour? Bonus: what would the TV look like?
This is the fictitious force felt by observers inside non-inertial reference frames that are travelling in uniform circular motion.
What is centrifugal force? Bonus: what causes a centrifugal force?
If a car doubles its speed while travelling down a hill, its momentum changes by this amount.
What is it doubles? Bonus: by how much does the kinetic energy change?
In a velocity selector, particles with this property travel straight through to the other side. (qualitative answer)
What is the right velocity? (Such that v = E/B) Bonus: where does this relationship derive from?
Compared to yellow light, blue light's bright fringes after being shined through a double slit slide will be spaced like this.
What is closer together. Bonus: what formula demonstrates this?
This is a property of classical waves that can be seen exhibited by electrons.
What is interference? Bonus: How could you determine how widely spaced the bright fringes would appear?