Forces and Motion
Electricity and Magnetism
Momentum and Energy
Sound and Light
Newton's first law is also known as the law of this.
What is inertia?
The wiring in your home uses this type of circuit.
What is parallel?

What is the unit for momentum?

What is kg*m/s

The distance from one point on a wave to the same point on the next wave is called this
What is the wavelength?
The loudness of sound is measured in units called these.
What is decibels?
“Forces occur in pairs” is another way of stating this Newton's law.
What is third law of motion?
If you connect more and more light bulbs in series to a battery, this is what happens to the brightness of each bulb as you add more bulbs.
What is the bulbs grow dimmer with each new bulb added?

What type of energy is light?

What is radiant?

The amount of time required for one cycle to occur is called this
What is the period?

What type of wave is a sound wave?

What is a longitudinal wave?


How fast will a 35 kg object accelerate when pushed with a force of 180 N?

5.1 m/s/s

Typically, household appliances operate at 120 volts. The current flowing in the circuit of a microwave when the resistance of the microwave oven is 30 ohms is this.
What is 4 amps?

What is the potential energy of a 15 kg rock on top of a 27 m hill?

What is 410 J?

A wave whose oscillations are perpendicular to the direction the wave travels is called a ________ wave.
What is transverse?
Rank the following by increasing energy: UV, Gamma, and Microwaves

What is Microwaves, UV, Gamma?


Mr. Z rides his bicycle 2.4 kilometers up a steep hill in 8.0 minutes. His speed is ____ kilometers per hour.

18 km/hr


A single bulb circuit has a current of 0.400 Amps. What is the new current when a 2nd bulb is added in series?

What is 0.200 Amps


A 275 kg cart moving 8.50 m/s crashes into an identical cart and start to move together. What is their new velocity?

What is 4.25 m/s?


Sound of very high frequency, inaudible to a human ear but used by doctors to create images inside the body, is called this.

What is ultrasound?

Middle C on a piano has a frequency of about 264 hertz. If the wavelength in air of this note is 1.31 meters, this is the speed of the sound.
What is 346 m/sec?

How fast will a 6.0 kg cart move if a person applies 11 N of force for 5.0 seconds?

What is 9.2 m/s


A single bulb circuit has a current of 0.300 Amps. What is the new current through the battery when a 2nd bulb is added in parallel?

What is 0.600 Amps


A 670 kg car is on top of a 48 m hill. What is the velocity of the car after it rolls down to a height of 22 meters?

What is 23 m/s?


A wave has a velocity of 76.0 m/s and a wavelength of 22.0 m. Determine the period of the wave.

What is 0.289 seconds?


A light wave has a frequency of 5.44x10^12 Hz. Determine the type of EMS wave it is.

What is an Infrared Wave?