Rotational Motion / Momentum
Projectile/ Circular Motion
The charge of 6.24 X 10^18 electrons or protons is called one _________________.
What is coulomb (C)?
The direction of sounds waves move _________
What is a longitudinal wave (parallel to the direction of travel)?
The complementary color to blue.
What is yellow?
The _______________ states the at the impulse on an object is equal to the change in the object's momentum.
What is impulse - momentum theorem?
Projectile motion in two dimensions can be determined by breaking the problem into ______________.
What is two connected one-dimensional problems?
The magnitude of an elementary charge.
What is e = 1.602 X 10^-19?
The term ________________ refers to the change in direction waves experience at the boundary between two different media.
What is refraction?
A second order rainbow is a lighter rainbow outside of the first rainbow with the color reversed are made when light rays are reflected _______ times inside water droplets.
What is two?
When an ice skater is performing a spin, how can the skater's angular velocity be changed without changing the angular momentum?
What is change the moment of inertia?
To determine the x-component of a projectile's velocity at a thirty degree angle from the horizontal, use the formula _____________
What is vx = v*cos30
Based on Coulomb's law - the effect on force if the distance is cut in half would be __________.
What is quadrupled?
A spring stretched 0.12 m when a bag of apples weighing 3.2 N is suspended from the string. The spring constant of the spring would be _________.
What is k = 27 N/m?
The formula for E, the point-source illuminance.
What is E= P / 4 pi r^2 ?
A boy has a mass of 35.6 kg and is riding a 1.3 kg skateboard. What is the combined momentum of the boy and his skateboard if they are moving at 9.5 m/s?
What is 350 kg-m/s?
The name of the force directed toward the center of a circle.
What is centripetal force?
An ammeter is placed between a 27 volt battery and an 18 ohm resister in a series circuit, the reading on the meter would be __________.
What is 1.5 amps?
The length of a pendulum on earth would be _______ meters if it has a period of 4.89 seconds.
What is 5.94 meters?
The type of material that blocks the most light rays.
What is opaque?
The outer edge of a truck tire that has a radium of .45 m has a velocity of 23 m/s. The value of angular velocity is radians / second would be __________.
What is 51 rad / sec?
You accidentally throw your car keys horizontally at 8.0 m/s from a cliff that is 64 meters high. The distance the keys land from the base of the cliff.
What is 29 meters?
The equivalent resistance of a parallel circuit that connects three 15 ohm resisters across a 30.0 V battery.
What is 5 ohms?
The potential energy of a spring with a spring constant of 27 N-m that is stretched 0.16 m?
What is 0.35 joules?
Draw a picture showing the reflection angle of a ray of light hitting a mirror at thirty degrees from normal.
What is 30 degrees from normal on each side?
The torque on a bolt produced by a 15 N force exerted perpendicular to a wrench that is .25 m long.
What is 3.8 N-m?
What is the horizontal component of gravitational acceleration in a projectile motion problem?
What is ax = 0?