Circular Motion
A ball is thrown straight up in the air with an initial velocity of 45m/s. How long would it take before the ball stops and begins to fall back down.
What is 4.5s?
Substances that waves can through are called this.
What is medium?
The unit for energy.
What is Joules?
Explain centrifugal force.
What is the fake force that feels like it is pushing you out when traveling in a circular motion due to inertia.
What the nucleus of the atom is made of.
What is protons and neutrons?
Explain the difference between distance and displacement.
What is distance is the total length of movement of an object, displacement is how far the object is from its starting point?
These type of electromagnetic waves possess the highest amount of energy.
What are gamma rays?
Explain kinetic vs potential energy.
What is potential energy is store, kinetic is in motion?
Draw the vector diagram for a ball traveling in a circular motion at a velocity of 10m/s and a centripetal force of 120N.
What is will check?
The charges on protons, neutrons, and electrons.
What is pro-positive, neutrons- neutral, elect - negative?
If a Ferrari with an initial velocity of 10m/s, accelerates at rate of 50m/s^2 for 3s, what will its final velocity be?
What is 160 m/s?
The property of a wave that allows it to bend around obstacles.
What is diffraction?
As a child swings on a swing set explain how the potential and kinetic energy of the child changes. When would each be the highest?
What is As the child moves up to the highest point the potential energy is the highest because the child is farther off the ground. The kinetic energy is the highest as the child passes through the lowest point because they are traveling the fastest?
Explain how the rotational speed vs the tangential speed of a lady bug changes as she moves from the outer edge of a spinning disk closer to the center.
What is the rotational speed is the same throughout and the tangential speed decreases because she's covering less distance with each spin?
The atomic number for phosphorus is 15 and it's atomic mass is 30.973 how many proton, neutron, and electrons does this atom have?
What is p and e = 15, n=16?
A coin is dropped 200m from the top of a building. Ignoring air resistance how long does the coin drop before it hits the ground?
What is 6.32s?
A light wave hits a table at an angle of 34 degrees, what is the angle between the angle of incidence and angle of reflection?
What is 112 degrees?
Calculate the potential energy of a 40N object 71m off of the ground.
What is 2840J?
Give an example of a revolution vs a rotation.
What is answers will vary?
Explain what an isotope is.
What is an atom that has a different number of neutrons than normal?
Draw the vector diagram for: a boat that sails NE for 15m and then turns south for 12m. Calculate the displacement.
What is 9m? will check diagram
The period of a wave is 3s and it is traveling at 40m/s, what is the wavelength of the wave?
What is 120m?
Calculate the kinetic energy of a 100N car traveling at 50m/s.
What is 12,500J
If you (50kg) are experiencing a force of 5000N against your seatbelt as you turn a corner (radius of the curve is 30m) in a car, how fast must you be traveling in your car?
What is 54.7m/s?
Calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in Ca^+2, if the atomic number is 20 and the atomic mass is 40.078.
What is p=20, e=18, n=20