Isaac Newton
May the Force Be with You
Balanced or Unbalanced?
Vocab Grab Bag
Calculate and Relate
Newton's first law says this.
What is an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest until acted on by an unbalanced force?
A force can be defines as this.
What is a push or a pull?
Tom pushes a table with a force of 6 N to the left. Tina pushes the table with a force of 12 N to the right. The table has a motion in this direction with this amount of net force.
What is 6N accelerating to the right?

The amount of matter matter in an object.

What is mass?


A hammer of 14kg hits a nail with the force of 4N, what is the acceleration?

What is 0.29m/s2?


Newton's 1st law of motion can also be referred to as the law of ____________.

What is inertia?


A force that always causes an object to be pull down at an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 on Earth.

What is a gravity?

Michael is arm wrestling Michelle. Michael exerts a force of 10 N to the left and Michelle exerts a force of 10 N to the right. The net force is this.
What is 0N (no motion!)?
This term can be used to describe the tendency for an object to resist a change in motion and stay at rest.
What is inertia?

An object with a mass of 8 kg is acted upon by a 16 N force to the right. What will its acceleration be?

What is 2 m/s2?

Newton's 2nd law of motion relates force, mass, and acceleration using this formula?
What is force = mass x acceleration?
If two forces act equally, but in opposite directions they are said to be ____________ forces
What is balanced?
A basketball is rolling across the floor to the right direction. Susan pushes it with a force of 15N to the right. Sally pushes it with a force of 12N to the left. This is the overall motion and net force of the object.
What is accelerating to the right with a net force of 3N?
This term can be classified as balanced or unbalanced based upon the net calculation.
What is force?

What is the net force of the following (20 N pulled up, 49 N pushed down)?

What is 29N down?

For Newton's 2nd law of motion, it is suggested that an object with a greater mass will require a greater______ to act upon it.
What is force?
This unit is used to measure force
What is a Newton?
If an object is moving to the left at a speed 5 m/s and a wind with a force of 2N is acting in front of it and behind it, this will happen to its velocity.
What is nothing? It will maintain it's motion because the net force is 0!
If an object speeds up from one velocity to another, it is said to have demonstrated this.
What is acceleration?

The unit Newtons is a another way to write this unit.

What is kg*m/s2?

Newton's 3rd law of motion relates the relationship between two forces and can be summed up by these two words.
What is action-reaction?
If one force is greater than the other, the net force is said to be this.
What is unbalanced?
Assume an object at rest is pushed to the right with a force of 4N and pulled up with a force of 12N. What is it's overall path of motion?
What is slightly to the diagonal right?

The force of gravity on an object

What is weight?


An equal force acts on both a pencil and a textbook, the ______ will have a GREATER acceleration?

What is the pencil?