Isaac Newton
May the Force Be with You
Balanced or Unbalanced?
Vocab Grab Bag
Calculate and Relate
Newton's first law says this.
What is an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest until acted on by an unbalanced force?
A force can be defines as this.
What is a push or a pull?

Miyah pushes a table with a force of 6 N to the left. Shenoah pushes the table with a force of 12 N to the right. The table has a motion in this direction with this amount of net force.

What is 6N accelerating to the right?


Smaller kittens accelerate faster while being pulled in a wagon and larger pigs being pulled in a wagon accelerate slowly. Which law of motion is this?



A satellite has a mass of 10,000Kg on earth. What is its mass on the moon?

10,000 kg

Newton's 1st law of motion can also be referred to as the law of ____________.
What is intertia?

What is the equation for force?



Jordan is arm wrestling London. Jordan exerts a force of 10 N to the left and London exerts a force of 10 N to the right. The net force is this.

What is 0N (no motion!)?

This term can be used to describe the tendency for an object to resist a change in motion and stay at rest.
What is inertia?

A satellite has a mass of 10,000 kg. What is its weight on earth before it launches?

100,000 N

Newton's 2nd law of motion relates force, mass, and acceleration using this formula?
What is force = mass x acceleration?
If two forces act equally, but in opposite directions they are said to be ____________ forces
What is balanced?

A basketball is rolling across the floor to the right direction. Jacob pushes it with a force of 15N to the right. Sergio is weak because he skips school and he can only push it with a force of 12N to the left. This is the overall motion and net force of the object.

What is accelerating to the right with a net force of 3N? (Because Jacob is stronger)!

This term can be classified as balanced or unbalanced based upon the net calculation.
What is force?
What is the net force of the following (20 N pulled up, 49 N pushed down)?
What is 29 N downward push?
For Newton's 2nd law of motion, it is suggested that an object with a greater mass will require a greater______ to act upon it.
What is force?
This unit is used to measure force
What is a Newton?

If Luis punches a punching bag while boxing his hands exert a punching force while the bag exerts and equal and opposite force back to his hand. Which law is this?


If an object speeds up from one velocity to another, it is said to have demonstrated this.
What is acceleration?
Gravity is an example of this type of force
What is a pull?
Newton's 3rd law of motion relates the relationship between two forces and can be summed up by these two words.
What is action-reaction?

Your laptop is on the passenger seat of your car when you abruptly stop driving. The book slides off of the seat and into the floor because of this.

What is inertia


You are driving a bus and it breaks down. You get out to push it out of the road and you can't because it is too massive. Which law does this represent?




Who is Taylor Swift Dating?

Travis Kelce- Go chiefs!


If a motorcycle  weighs 200 N and can accelerate at 2.5 m/s. what is the mass of this motorcycle?

80 kg