Centripetal Motion
Projectile Motion
This force is the perpendicular force exerted by a surface on another object.
What is the Normal Force.
Angular speed is represented by this letter in the Greek alphabet.
What is omega?
Fill in the Blank! Blank stays constant in a type 1 projectile.
What is Horizontal Velocity.
What is Newton's second law of motion.
True or False! The weight of your backpack is a contact force.
False weight is a field force.
9.8 meters per second squared.
What is the acceleration of gravity on Earth.
DAILY MULTIPLIER! Let's play cowboys/cowgirls! Like we did in the centripetal force lab, swing your "lasso" (the white ribbon contraption) above your head for one minute while everyone else counts the revolutions. *caution be very aware of your surroundings and be careful
Multiply the amount of revolutions times the point value of this question, divide that by 4 and add it to your score. Yee haw!
In a type 2 projectile the time it takes to reach the peak is equal to what?
What is the time it takes to reach the ground.
Causes an object in motion to stay in motion.
What is Newton's First law or Law of Inertia?
When there is ice on the road, this happens to the coefficient of friction between the road and your tires.
The coefficient of friction is reduced.
Get creative. Demonstrate and explain force using the shoe box.
Let your opponents determine if you gain or lose the point value of this question.
Besides friction, name an element that helps one turn? Hint: It has a special formula that we will get an extra point on the test if nobody miss uses it ;)
What is a banked curve?
Challenge! Toss the Easter Egg into the shoe box while standing at the edge of the lab station in one try to demonstrate projectile motion.
Awesome Sauce! Give yourself a high-five and the points if you completed the challenge!
Challenge! Place the penny on top, in the center of the shoe box with the box resting on the lab table. Move the penny off the box without touching it or the shoe box breaking contact with the table. *Hint use Newton's First Law
If it only took you one try you get all the points!!! If not..... no points are awarded. :'(
Besides banked curves, this keeps you on the road while making a turn.
What is friction?
All or Nothin'!!! List all the forces acting on a sled being pulled across the flat snow at a constant speed.
Force of gravity, force of friction, normal force, force pulling it. If you got them all, give yourself 400 points!!
The inverse of period.
What is frequency?
Daily Double! The very first step in solving a type 2 projectile when given an initial velocity and a angle measurement.
What is convert the velocity from polar to rectangular form. If answered correctly than add double the point value to your score.
True or False. Breaking a window with a baseball violates Newton's Third Law.
All or Nothin'!!! Push the box along the the table. What can you do to increase the friction between the box and the table?
Increase the mass or change the surface of the table to get a higher coefficient of friction. You need both to get any points.
Challenge! Build a structure out of the toothpicks and mini marshmallows provided in one minute that will support the shoe on your left foot.
Yay! Jump up and down like an excited little kid and give yourself some points if you successfully completed this challenge.
T represents what.
What is a period of revolution.
Challenge! Roll the coin off the edge of the table and hit the mark on the floor in one try.
Give yourself a pat on the back and points if you did this :)
Why when you push the side of the pool while in the water, you move away from it.
What is forces are equal and opposite or Newton's Third law?
When you are pulling a sled at a constant speed of 4m/s, what is the force of friction when the sled weighs 5kg.
The coefficient of friction times (9.8)(5).