Linear Motion
Projectile Motion
Mechanical Equilibrium
Newton's Laws
If you are going at a constant speed around a corner, are you accelerating? Why?
Yes, you are changing direction
At the instant a ball is thrown horizontally another ball is dropped, which reaches the ground first?
They reach the ground at the same time
If an object is moving at a constant velocity, what type of equilibrium is it in?
Dynamic equilibrium
Which of Newton's law says that objects continue to do what they are doing, unless acted on by an outside force?
Newton's First Law
What is the average speed of a cheetah that sprints 100 m in 4 s?
25 m/s
A projectile is launched straight up at a speed of 141 m/s. How fast is it moving at the top of its trajectory?
0 m/s
If you push a crate with 75 N of force and it doesn't move, what is the force of friction?
75 N
What is the acceleration of recoil when a 100kg person hits a wall with 200 N of force?
2 m/s^2
Which has greater acceleration, an airplane that goes from 1000 km/h to 1005 km/h in 10 seconds or a skateboard that goes from rest to 5 km/h in 1 second?
The skateboarder
A projectile is launched at a 45 degree angle with a velocity of 141 m/s. How fast is it traveling at the top of its trajectory?
100 m/s (horizontally)
What is the magnitude of the resultant of a 6.0 N force acting vertically upward and a 4 N force acting horizontally?
7.2 N
A certain unbalanced force gives a 20-kg object an acceleration of 2 m/s^2. What acceleration would the same force give a 30-kg object?
1.3 m/s^2
What would the speed of a falling rock be 5.5 seconds after it is dropped from rest?
55 m/s
How far below an ideal path would a projectile fall in 3 seconds?
45 meters
A 230 kg bear slides down a tree at a constant velocity, what is the force of friction acting on the bear?
2,300 N
Two people have a tug-of-war on low friction ice. One person has twice the mass as the other. Compared to the lighter person, how many times as fast does the heavier person accelerate?
Half as much
A cat steps off a ledge and drops to the ground in 1/2 second. How high is the ledge?
1.25 m
If the horizontal component of a cannonball's velocity is 20 m/s, how far downrange will the cannonball be in 5 s?
100 m
The following forces act on an object: 9 N north, 52 N south and 55 N west. What is the magnitude of the net force?
69.8 N
A fighter punches a sheet of paper in midair, and brings it from rest up to a speed of 40 m/s in 0.08 s. What is the force of impact on the paper if the mass of the paper is 0.01 kg?
5 N