Forces and Motion
Work and Energy
Rotational Motion

The displacement from rest of an object accelerating at g will move in 1 second

What is 4.9m?


A property of matter that tends to resist changes in its motion.

What is inertia?


This is the result of negative net work done on an object

What is slowing down or losing kinetic energy?


A lunar vehicle is tested on Earth at a speed of 10 km/h. When it travels this fast on the moon with 1/6 of the gravity, this is how its momentum compares to the momentum on Earth?

What is the same as on Earth?


A car rounds a curve while maintaining a constant speed. This is the direction of the net force on the car.

What is towards the center, or centripetal?


This is the acceleration at the apex of flight for any free falling projectile due to gravity.

What is 9.8 m/s/s?


The mass of an object that accelerates at 3m/s/s under a net force of 2N

What is 0.66kg?


As a bungee jumper plunges downward, they may be increasing in both of these types of energy.

What is kinetic energy and elastic potential energy?


When an apple falls from a tree and strikes the ground without bouncing, this is what happens to its momentum.

What is it transfers momentum to the Earth and moves the Earth in the direction of its fall?


An object spun rotating at 10rad/s will move through this angle in degrees in 2 seconds.

What is a 1146 degrees?


This component is equivalent to the velocity of a free falling projectile at its apex. 

What is the horizontal component of its initial velocity?


The force that increases in magnitude as a block at rest on a board is tilted  to a larger angle of inclination

What is static friction?


As a baseball flies upward into the air, these two forces are doing negative work on the ball.

What is gravity and drag?


If a dump truck and a car collide and both vehicles come to a stop, this one had more momentum before the collision.

What is they were equal?


Two wheels roll side-by-side without slipping, at the same speed. The radius of wheel 2 is twice the radius of wheel 1. The angular velocity of wheel 2 is this.

What is half the angular velocity of wheel 1?


This is the value that can be found from the area under a velocity-time graph.

What is displacement?


You are lifting a 10 kg block straight up at a constant speed of 10 m/s. This is how much force are you exerting on the block.

What is 98 or 100N?


Tripling the original elongation of a spring changes its elastic potential energy by this factor.

What is 9 times?


A bowling ball exerts a 60N force on a 0.5kg pin knocking it back at 30m/s.  This is how much time they were in contact for.

What is 0.25s?


You intend to spin a heavy wheel on it's axis. You increase your torque these three ways.

What is apply more force, further from the axis of the wheel, and tangent to its surface?


The distance traveled while a car accelerates from 10m/s to 20m/s over a time period of 3 seconds.

What is 45m?

It's average velocity (15m/s) times the time (3s)


The acceleration of a 2kg mass and a 3kg mass attached to opposite ends of a string over a frictionless pulley

What is 2m/s/s?


This is how much power is required for a man to lift a 15-Newton block 2.0 meters during a time period 3 second.

What is 10 Watts?


A spinning ice skater pulls her arms in to spin at twice her original angular velocity. Her angular momentum changed by this factor.

What is not at all?

Only her moment of inertia changed, while her momentum was conserved.


The angular velocity of the minute hand of a watch.

What is .1 rad/s?