Measurements / Units / Motion
Newton’s Laws / Gravitation
Momentum / Impulse / Conservation
Work / Power / Energy
Static / Current / Electricity

Convert 0.15 nl to ml

1.5 x 10-7


A 0.50 kg cart is rolling at a speed of 0.40 meter per second. If the speed of the cart is doubled, the inertia of the cart is

the same


A 1,200 kg car traveling at 10 meters per second hits a tree and is brought to rest in 0.10 second. What is the magnitude of the average force acting on the car to bring it to rest



The work done in accelerating an object along a frictionless horizontal surface is equal to the change in the object‘s

Kinetic energy 


If the distance separating an electron and a proton is halved, the magnitude of the electrostatic force between the two charges particle will be ?



How many significant figures are in 3800



A 60 kg physics student would weigh 1560 N on the surface of planet X. What is the magnitude of the acceleration due to the gravity on the surface of planet earth

26 m/s2


A 50 kg student threw a .40 kg ball with a speed of 20 meters per second. What was the magnitude of the impulse that the student exerted on the ball

8.0 N*s


A student does 60 joules of work pushing a 3 kg box up the full length of a ramp that is 5 meters long. What is the magnitude of force applied to the box to do this work ?

12 N


What is the current through a wire if 240 coulombs of charge pass through the wire in 2 minutes ?

2.0 A


Convert 345 g to kg



A person weighs 785 N on the surface of earth would weigh 298 N on the surface of Mars. what is the magnitude of gravitational field strength on the surface of Mars

3.72 N/kg


Ball A has a mass of 5 kg moving at 20 m/s collides with Ball b of unknown mass moving at 10 m/s in the same direction. after the collision ball A moves at 10 m/s and Ball b at 15 m/s but still in the same direction. what is the mass of ball b



A 45 kg boy is riding a 15 kg bicycle with a speed of 8 m/s. What is the combined kinetic energy of the boy and bicycle ?

1920 J


Moving 2.5 x 104  coulombs of charge from point A to point B in electric field requires 6.3 x 104 joule of work. The potential difference between point A and B is approximately 

2.5 x 103


Convert 2 km to m

2.00 x103 m


An astronaut weighs 8.00 x 10newtons on the surface of earth. what is the weight of the astronaut 6.37x10meters above the surface of earth 

2.00 x 102


A 6 kg block sliding to the east across a horizontal frictionless surface with the momentum of 30 kg meters per second strikes an obstacle. The obstacle exert an impulse of 10 Newton second to the west on the block. the speed of the block after the collision is

3.3 m/s2


A 1500 kg car travels at a constant speed of 22 m/s around a circular track that is 80 m across. What is the kinetic energy of the car ?

3.6 x 10J


How much work is required to move electrons through a potential difference of 3.00 volts ?

 4.80 x 10-19 J


 Answer to the least precise measurement 4.1 cm + 6.08cm

10.2 cm


Pluto orbits the sun at an average distance of 5.91x1012 meters. Pluto’s diameter is 2.30x10meters and its mass is 1.31x1022. Charon orbits Pluto with their centers separated by a distance of 1.96x107 meters. Charon has a diameter of 1.21x106 meters and a mass of 1.55x1021. A)Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force of attraction that Pluto exerts on Charon. B) Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of Charon toward Pluto 

A) 3.53x1018



When a 1 kg cart moving with the speed of .50 m/s on a horizontal surface collides with a second 1 kg cart initially at rest, the carts is lock together. what is the speed of the combined carts after the collision

.25 m/s


Susan’s math is 28 kg. She climbs the 4.8 m ladder of a slide and reaches a velocity of 3.2 m/s at the bottom of the slide. How much work was done by friction on Susan ?

1175.1 J


The centers of two small charge particles are separated by distance of 1.2 x 10-4 meter. The charges on the particles are 8.0 x 10-19 coulomb and 4.8 x 10-19. What is the electrostatic force between the two particles ?

2.4 x 10-19