1D Motion

Projectile motion

Newton's Laws & Forces

2D Motion


What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed is measured in meters per second, while velocity is measured in meters


What force acts in the y direction that causes an object to travel in a parabolic arc?



Kids were playing with balls which are of equal mass. They kicked them with different forces. Which one accelerated more?

Red ball ā€“ 10N

Blue ball ā€“ 3N

Yellow ball - 5N

The Red Ball 


Which of the following measurements is NOT a Scalar? 

An object moving forward

An object moving backward

An object at rest

An object changing direction

An object changing direction


Use the scenario to answer the following question. 

A student hits a hockey puck with a hockey stick and the puck speeds up.  Another student claims that the student broke the Law of Conservation of  Momentum because the puck gained momentum.  

Which of these is the BEST explanation of why the Law is not  broken in this closed system?

The hockey stick loses as much momentum as the puck gained.


What is the SI unit for acceleration?



A man wants to shoot an arrow so that it has the greatest range (horizontal distance). At what angle should he shoot the arrow?

45 degrees


Which arrow represents Normal force and which one shows weight?

mg sin@, N

N, mg

mg cos@, mg sin@

mg, N

N, mg

A football was kicked toward the goal. The horizontal component of velocity was 10 m/sā€Š and the vertical component was 7 m/sā€Š. What is the magnitude of the resultant velocity of the soccer ball?

12 m/s 


Use the information and picture to answer the following question. 

Students were tasked with dropping a 0.2 kg bag of marbles straight  down into a 1.0 kg toy cart moving at 3.0 m/s. The students compare the  velocity of the cart before and after the marbles are dropped. 

toy cart

How did the addition of the bag of marbles affect the velocity of  the cart?  

The cart slowed down because it now contained more mass. The momentum of a closed, isolated system is always constant


What is the average acceleration of an object that changes its velocity from 10 m/s to 30m/s in 5 seconds?

4 m/s^2


In a projectile motion like the shown on the picture, the velocity with which the projectile hits the ground is...

the same as the initial velocity


What is the force that acts between any two masses and pulls them together?

Gravitational force


A ball rolls off a table. If the ball rolls off w ith twice the velocity, the time it takes to 

 the floor _________ and the distance traveled horizontally _________

Is the same, cut in half


A box collides with a ball as shown in the diagram.  

After the collision, what will the final momentum of the ball be?  

13 kg m/s 


Acceleration is calculated by

velocity change devided by elapsed time


Two objects of the same mass are launched from the ground. Object A has a launch angle of 45, while Object B has a launch angle of 65. Which object will hit the ground first?



If the car of 75kg is traveling around a curve of radius of 50m at a velocity of 15 m/s, what is the centripetal force of the car?



Which of the following is an example of two-dimensional motion with non constant acceleration?

A car moving on a straight road

A ball thrown at an angle

A pendulum swinging back and forth

A rocket launching into space

A ball thrown at an angle


The graph shows the force on an object of mass M as a function of time. For the time interval 0 to 4 s, the total change in the momentum of the object is

0 kg m/s


What is the difference between distance and displacement?

Displacement is the shortest distance along 2 points and direction matters.


What is the vertical acceleration of a projectile?

9.8 m/s2


Which of Newton's laws states: That an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Newtons 1st Law


For a projectile, which velocity remains constant as long as air resistance is ignored?



A 40-kilogram mass is moving across a horizontal surface at 5.0 m/s.  What is the magnitude of the net force required to bring the mass to a stop in 8.0 seconds?
