Motion & Forces
Energy & Momentum
Waves (Sound & Light)
There are many football scenes in The Blind Side. A frame of reference, a system for specifying the precise location of objects in space in time, in this movie would be considered yard lines. Michael Oher traveled 30 yards in a 9 second stretch. What is Michael’s average speed?
What is 27 m/s.
In the Blind Side, Michael pushes a football player across and out of the football field. Assume his force is 50 N and the distance is 45 meters. How much work is done?
What is W=Fd Work = 2250 J
If Buzz Lightyear shot his laser with a frequency of 100 mW and a wavelength of 633 nm, how long would it take to hit Zurg who is 1,000 meters away.
What is speed of light= frequency X wavelength
The electric current is the rate at which electric charges pass through a given area. In any movie, electric current is used, whether it is a light, television or even automobile engines. What is the formula to calculate electric current?
What is Electric current=charge passing through a given area/time interval
In the movie Hulk, Hulk is exposed to radiation. Which of the following was the radiation he was exposed to? Alpha, Beta, or Gamma?
What are Gamma Rays.
Newton’s Second Law of motion states that if you want an object to accelerate, you must apply an outside force to that object. Newton’s First Law of motion states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force. This is also considered inertia, the tendency of a moving object to resist a change in speed or direction. In The Blind Side when Michael got into the car accident, what was the outside force that stopped the object in motion, Michael’s truck?
What is the landscaping truck.
In "Date Night" Steve Carell backs his car into another car and the two stick and move together. This collision is referred to as what?
What is inelastic collision.
What is the intensity of the sound waves produced by the aliens in War of the Worlds at a distance of 84 m when the power output of the alien is 1000 W? Assume that the sound waves are spherical.
What is Intensity= P/ 4ðr2
This Christmas tree produces a current of 2A through the bulbs when connected to a 140V outlet. What is the total resistance of the circuit?
What is 140V/2A=70ohms. The equation for voltage is V (voltage) =I (current) x R (resistance).
In China Syndrome, nuclear power plants are used. To operate these power plants, a radioactive material is pressed into fuel pellets and eventually forms a fuel assembly. What is this material called?
What is Uranium Dioxide
After the accident in The Blind Side, the officer was talking to Leigh Anne about the speed of an airbag, 200 miles per hour (89.41 meters per second). If the airbag deployed within 48 milliseconds of the accident occurring, what was the acceleration of the air bag?
What is 1862.71 m/s^2
In the movie "King Kong" Kong is standing on top of the Empire State Building which is 381 meters tall. The monkey's mass is 2000 kg. What is his gravitational potential energy?
What is 7,475,220 Joules. The formula is PE = mgh.
Explain why the pitch of the fighter jet changes as observed from the control tower in the movie Top Gun. What is the name of this phenomenon?
What is Doppler Effect
Let’s say one of the bulbs go out in this Christmas tree (before he jumps on it). How will a parallel circuit help keep the other bulbs lit?
What is a parallel circuit would keep the other bulbs lit because there’s a separate pathway the current goes through.
What kind of nuclear power could help generate electric power to light up Sin City in the movie 21?
What is Nuclear Fission
If free fall is involved in cliff diving, is Bella at equilibrium at any point during her cliff diving experience? Why?
What is No, this is because the force of gravity is still acting on Bella as she is free falling; this makes her net force equal 9.81 N and equilibrium is when the net force equals 0 N.
In the Blind Side, Michael Oher's pickup truck has a mass of 2250 kg and has a velocity of 25 m/s to the south. What is the momentum of Michael's truck?
What is 5.6 e4 kg m/s to the south
In the Jungle Book, the elephants use what kind of sound waves to communicate with each other, and typically what frequency are these sound waves?
What is Infrasonic sound waves. Below 20 Hertz
In this scene you can see that the house is in the middle of a thunderstorm in the air. How is lightning created?
What is different charges form in different parts of a cloud to create an electric field between the cloud and the ground. When a breakdown voltage is reached, the molecules in the air are broken down into charged particles, forming a state of matter called plasma. An electric charge flows between the cloud and the ground, creating lightning, due to the plasma conducting electricity.
In the movie Polar Express, a train transports children to the North Pole. In the US, certain trains are used to transport used nuclear fuel. What level of radioactive waste is normally shipped and what is it shipped in?
What is Low-level radioactive waste; Steel-Lead-Steel Shell followed by a neutron shield.
In The Blind Side, and any other football movie or game, kick off involves projectile motion, free fall and initial horizontal velocity. True or False, in order to solve for a projectile launched at an angle, we must use the following equations: (show equations)
What is True.
Starting from rest in The Rugrats Movie, Dil Pickles zooms down a slide (pretend it is frictionless) from an initial height of 3 m. What is his speed at the bottom of the slide? Assume he has a mass of 25 kg.
What is 7.67 m/s
In the movie National Treasure, what famous object if hit creates a longitudinal wave where the crests are compressions, and the troughs are rarefactions.
What is Liberty Bell
Create a complete circuit Schematic diagram with one battery, two resistors, and two bulbs. Remember to use the correct symbols.
(See board or check answer)
In the movie China Syndrome, Nuclear Power Plants are present. In the power plants are individual nuclear reactors. How many layers are in a nuclear reactor?
What is 5 – 8” steel reactor vessel, 36” concrete shielding, 1/4 “ steel liner, 2 1/2 “ steel reinforcement rods, & 45” steel – reinforced concrete