Newton's Law
Fun Physics
The tendency of an object to resist change
What is Inertia
The perpendicular contact force exerted by a surface on another object
What is Normal Force
The path through air that a projectile follows
What is Trajectory
the equation to calculate the momentum of an object
What is p = mv
The force that keeps you firmly planted on ground
What is Gravity
An object that is at rest will remain at rest, an object that is moving will continue to move in a straight line with constant speed if and only if the net force acting on that object is zero
What is Newton's First Law
The force opposite the direction of motion
What is Friction
Motion that always points to the center of a circle. The magnitude is equal to the square of the speed divided by the radius of motion
What is Centripetal Acceleration
The impulse on an object is equal to the final momentum minus the objects initial momentum
What is impulse momentum theory
If on a roller coaster you would want to ride this part of the wave
What is the antinode
The equation F = ma sums up this law
What is Newton's Second Law
The product of the coefficient of kinetic friction and the normal force
What is Force of Kinetic Friction
A runner moving at a speed of 8.8m/s rounds a bend with a radius of 25m What is the centripetal acceleration of the runner? What agent exerts force on the runner?
What is 3.1 m/s2. The force is friction of the track acting on the runners shoes.
momentum of any closed system does not change
What is Law of Conservation of Momentum
If you drop a feather and a brick out of the second story window at the same time they would have the same __________
What is acceleration
The constant velocity that is reached when the drag force equals the force of gravity
What is Terminal Velocity
If a girl exerts a 36N horizontal force asshe pulls a 52N sled across a cement sidewalk at constant speed. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sidewalk and the metal sled runners? Ignore Air resistance.
What is 0.69
The equation used to find an objects speed
What is velocity = distance/time
two freight cars each with a mass of 3.0x105 kg, collide and stick together. One was initially moving at 2.2m/s and the other was at rest. What was the final speed?
What is 1.1m/s
This appears when you separate the visible light spectrum
What is a Rainbow
Action and Reaction forces summarize this law
What is Newton's Third Law
A 1.4kg block slides across a rough surface such that it slows down with an acceleration of 1.25m/s2. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface?
What is 0.128
What is the velocity of a car traveling 25m in 5 seconds
What is 5m/s
A force of 186N acts on a 7.3kg bowling ball for 0.40s. What is the bowling balls change in momentum?
What is 74 kg m/s
The reason that the pitch of an ambulance or fire truck siren changes as it moves past you
What is Doppler Effect