Physics 1
Physics 2
Physics 3
Physics 4
Physics 5
How far does a car travel if it starts at 44m/s and accelerates at -6.0m/s^2 until it reaches a speed of 22m/s? (uams)
An apple is dropped out a window and falls to the ground. If air resistance is negligible, how long does it take the ball to fall 40 meters? (freefall)
The student drops a ball from rest and uses a radar gun to find the ball’s velocity after 4 s. Neglecting air resistance, what is the expected final velocity of the ball? (freefall)
Vf=-39.24 m/s
A man enters an elevator weighting 70kg. The elevator accelerates up at 7.0m/s^2 for the first 7 seconds. What is the net force on the man? (elevator)
A skier skis straight down a slope starting from 10m/s for 20s with an acceleration of 4.5m/s^2. How far does she travel? (uams)
The elevator now slows at a constant rate of 1.5 m/s^2 until it stops. What is the force of gravity on the man? (elevator)
A wooden block has a weight of 8.5 N. It requires a force of .5 N to get it moving a long the surface. What is the coefficient of static friction between this block and the surface? (friction)
A sled is pulled in the snow with a constant velocity by applying a 12 N force in the horizontal direction. The weight of the sled is 900 N. a) What is the force of friction between the sled and the snow? b) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the snow? (friction) a) Ff=12N b) u=.013
a) Ff=12N b) u=.013
Find the force of attraction between a 70 kg man and 11 kg man sitting 2 meters away from each other. (Universal Gravitation)
Fg=5.14 x 10^-8
What is the force needed to stretch a spring with a constant of 82 N/m a length of .08 m? (Hooke's Law)
Find the weight of a 73 kg man standing on the surface of the Earth, using F=mg (Universal Gravitation)
Fg= 717.58N
A car drives according 70 km at 45 degrees North of East and 60 km east. Determine the displacement of the car. (addition of vectors algebraically)
tan= 24.32 r=120.16
A 13 kg man hangs from a spring and stretches the spring .11m. What is the constant of the spring? (Hooke's Law)
k=1159.36 N/m
A boat travels North across a 40 m wide river at 10 m/s. The river has a current of 6 m/s East. How long does it take the boat to travel across the river? (perpendicular constant velocity)
t= 4s
A boy scout travels 5 km at 37 degrees North of East and 2.7 km west. Determine the displacement of the boy scout. (addition of vectors)
tan=23.22 r=7.6
A golf ball is hit with an initial speed of 45 m/s at a angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal. What are the initial horizontal and vertical velocity components? (projectiles at any angles)
Vx= 31.82 m/s Vy= 31.82 m.s
A plane flies south at 200 km/hr through a wind of 100 km/hr East. What is the plane’s velocity relative to the ground? (perpendicular constant velocity)
R= 223.61 km/hr
A soccer player kicks a stationary ball giving it a speed of 27 m/s at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizontal. What is the maximum height reached by the ball? (Projectiles at any angles)
Two billiards balls of mass 2 kg roll towards each other. The ball rolling to the right is rolling at 12 m/s and the ball rolling left at 2 m/s. After they collide the first ball rolls to the left at 4 m/s. What is the speed and direction of the other ball after the collision? (Conservation of Momentum)
1) V2f= 14 m/s
A 110 kg linebacker running at 7.5 m/s hits a stationary 90 kg quarterback. At what speed do they move off together? (Conservation of Momentum)
Vf= 4.125 m/s
1) A bullet is fired from a gun directly upward with a speed of 135 m/s. What is the maximum height the bullet attains? 2) For how long is the bullet in the air? (vertical projectile)
1) d=9.28.89m 2) t=27.5s
1)Bob runs at 40 m/s off a 200 m high cliff. How long will Bob be in the air for? 2) How far from the base of the cliff does Bob land? (Horizontal projectile)
1) t=6.39s 2) d=255.6m
1)A sprinter runs a lap around a 1600 m track in 500 seconds. What is the average speed of the runner? 2)A racecar travels around a track of radius 25 m in 5 seconds. Find the speed of this car. (Circular Motion)
1) v=3.2 m/s 2) v=31.42 m/s
1)An object traveling at 22 m/s has a momentum of 43 kg m/s. What is the mass of the object? 2)If a 34 kg object moves at 7 m in 3 s, what is its average momentum? (Momentum)
1) m=1.95 kg 2) p= 79.22 kg m/s
1)A 550 kg car travels east across a level straight road at 87 m/s. What will be the car’s velocity after a 40050 N westward impulse is applied to the car? 2)A 7.5 kg lab cart is accelerated uniformly from rest to a speed of 7.5 m/s in 2.5s. What is the magnitude of the force producing this acceleration? (Impulse)
1) Vf= -60.82 m/s 2) F= 22.5N