What is the mass of a textbook? (Magnitude) A)10^3 kg B)10^2 kg C)10^1 kg D)10^0 kg
What is D, 10^0 kg The answer is D because a mass of a textbook is considered a light object. A and B are illogical answers because those weights are much heavier than a text book. A textbook would also never be 10 kg but 10^0 is 1kg making it a logical answer.
Which is a NOT a fundamental unit? A) Seconds B)Meters C)Kilograms D)Grams
What is D, grams. A-C are all fundamental units which makes gram the answer because it is not a fundamental unit.
Solve the question by filling in the blanks. Vectors include _________ and __________. Scalars only include ___________.
Vectors include MAGNITUDE and DIRECTION. Scalars only include MAGNITUDE. Vectors need magnitude and direction every time in order for it be a vector quantity. Scalar quantities need magnitude but not direction in order for it to be scalar.
A 13kg mass hangs from a spring and stretches 5.5cm. What is the constant of the spring? Hooke's Law
What is 23.19 N/m Fg=mg =(13kg)(9.81m/s²) =127.53 N Fs=kx 127.53N=k(5.5cm) 127.53N/5.5cm K=23.19 N/m
Which is a fundamental unit? A)Newton B)Gram C)Pound D)Meter
What is A,Meter. Fundamental units include kg,meters,seconds and kelvin for distance,time,mass,temperature making meter the fundamental unit for distance.
How can figure out how far you have traveled in one revolution in a circular motion? Circular Motion
You can find how far you traveled in a circular motion by finding the circumference of the circular path. You can use the equation for circumference C=2πr.
Fill in the values for any free fall problem. Vi=_______ a=________
Vi=0m/s A=-9.81m/s^2 For every free fall problem, the initial velocity is always 0m/s and the acceleration is always -9.81m/s^2.
Using Dimensional Analysis, find the units for weight.
What is Kg ⋅m/s² Equation Units Fg=mg Kg ⋅m/s² (Newtons)
What is the height of a can of tuna? (Magnitude) A)10^3 m B)10^2 m C)10^-1 m D)10^4 m
What is C,10^-1 It is 10^-1 because all the other answers are illogical. A height of a can of tuna is much less than 1 m while the other three answers are all over 1m.
What is the circumference of a circle who's perimeter is 45 m and radius is 22 m.
What is 138.2 m C=2πr =2π22m =138.2 m
How many Sig-Figs does 12404590000 have?
There are seven significant figures in the number above. The last 4 zeros in the number are not significant. The first zero in the number is between 4 and 4 making it a significant figure.
A 25 kg ball has a momentum of 125 kg m/s. How far does the object travel in 18 seconds? Momentum.
What is 90 meters. p=mv 125kg m/s=25kg(v) 5m/s^2=v v=d/t 5m/s= d/18sec d=90m
Using Dimensional Analysis, find the units for KE.
What is Kg⋅m²/s² . Equation Units KE=1/2mv² Kg ⋅(m/s)² --------> Kg⋅m² /s²
Using the Factor Label Method, determine how many inches are in one meter.
What is 39.4 inches. 1 meter=10² cm 1 in=2.54 cm 1m(10²cm/1cm)x(1in/2.54cm)--->100in/2.54=39.4 inches
What is the mean distance from the Earth to the moon? What is the mean distance from the Earth to the sun?
By looking at the reference table given, the mean distance from the Earth to the moon is 3.84 x 10^8 meters. By looking at the reference table given, the mean distance from the Earth to the sun is 1.50 x 10^11 meters.
Using the factor label method, how many seconds are in one day?
What is 86,400 seconds 1 day= 24 hours 1hour= 60 minutes 1 minute=60 seconds 1 Day(24Hrs/1Day)x(60Min/1Hr)x(60sec/1min)=86,400 seconds
A 7.0 kg shopping cart is accelerated from rest to a speed of 6.5m/s in 1.3seconds. What is the magnitude of the force producing this acceleration?
What is 35 Newtons East Ft=m▲v F(1.3s)=(7kg)(6.5m/s-0m/s) 1.3F=45.5kg m/s F=35N East
Which of the following is NOT a vector quantity? A) Velocity B) Force C) Speed D) Displacement
What is C, Speed. Vector quantities do not include speed. Some examples include magnitude,direction,force,acceleration and momentum. Scalar quantities includes speed but Vector quantities do not.
A 75kg man enters an elevator on the 1st floor and stands on a scale. What is the weight of the man? Elevator
What is -735.75 Newtons Fg=mg =(75kg)(-9.81m/s²) = -735.75 N
A motorcycle with a mass of 1100kg is traveling east at 45 m/s. when it hits a tree head on, the motorcycle comes to rest in .06 seconds. What is the magnitude of the impulse applied to the motorcycle? Impulse
What is 49,500 NS J=m▲v = (1100kg)(0m/s - 45m/s) =49,500 NS
A wooden block has a weight of 10N. It requires a force of 5N to get moving along the surface. What is the coefficient of friction between the block and the surface? Friction
What is .5 Ff=U x Fn 5N=U x 10N U=.5
A 2500kg car travels west across a level road at 29 m/s. What will the cars velocity be after a 1700Ns eastward impulse is applied to the car? Impulse
What is 27.6m/s J=m▲v 1700Ns=(2500kg)(Vf-29m/s) -800NsKg=(-29m/s)vf 27.6m/s=vf
A bullet is fired from a gun directly upwards at 350 m/s. What is the speed of the bullet at the top of its path? (vertical projectile)
What is 0m/s Vf=Vtop=0m/s
A ball is rolling with an initial speed of 5.0 m/s. It rolls to a stop over a distance of 8.0m. Find the coefficient of rolling friction between the ball and the floor. Friction
What is .16 vf²=vi² +2ad-----> a=vf²-vi²/2d a=0m/s-25m²/s²/16m a=-25m²/s²/16m = -1.56m/s² Fnet=ma U mg=ma =1.56m/s²/9.81m/s² Ug=a = .16 U=a/g
A lawn mower applies a force of 1700N to the ground to propel it forward. The mass of the lawn mower is 325kg. What is the acceleration of the lawn mower? Newton law of motion
What is 5.23m/s² F=ma 1700N=(325kg)a =1700N/325kg a = 5.23m/s²