
A curved line on a position / time graph means 

There is acceleration


Dan walks 19 m north & then 27 m south. Calculate his displacement & distance traveled

displacement = 8 m south

distance = 46 m


Acceleration magnitude and units for acceleration due to gravity on this planet

9.8 m/s2


Which object hav the highest velocity?

Object B


The name for the path a projectile travels upon



The situation when a graph of displacement vs distance are equal

linear motion


Dan walks around a corner, travelling 19 m north & then 27 m east. Calculate his displacement & distance traveled

displacement = 33 m northeast

distance = 46 m


Mr. C is at a red light & accelerates to 120 kph in 11 seconds. What is is his acceleration in m/s2?

 3.0 m/s2


Mr. C travels 2.7 km in a minute. Calculate his velocity in m/s

45 m/s


What is the horizontal acceleration of a projectile in flight that was launched at an angle of 44o at 25 m/s?

0 m/s2


What is the total distance traveled?

170 m


Dan walks around a corner, travelling 25 m north & then 44 m east. Calculate his displacement with angle & directional terminology

displacement = 51 m at 60 degrees east of north (or 30 degrees north of east 


Mr. C is on the moon and accidentally drops his pet rock. If it takes 1.4 seconds to hit the surface from 1.5 meters high, what is the acceleration due to gravity on the moon in m/s2?

1.5 m/s2


Mr. C travels 132 km in an hour and a half. Calculate his velocity in m/s

24.4 m/s


A jet engine catches fire & is ejected from an airplane crossing the Atlantic Ocean at 792 kph. It takes 48 seconds to reach the ocean surface. Calculate the engine's range in km during the fall

11 km


Calculate the displacement

240 m


A jet engine catches fire & is ejected from an airplane crossing the Atlantic Ocean at 792 kph. It takes 48 seconds to reach the ocean surface. Calculate the plane's altitude in m

11,000 m


Acceleration due to gravity on Saturn is 10.44 m/s2. Calculate the impact velocity in m/s of Mr. C's pet rock if he drops it from 1.5 meters high from the surface of Saturn  

5.6 m/s


A jet engine catches fire & is ejected from an airplane crossing the Atlantic Ocean at 792 kph. It takes 48 seconds to reach the ocean surface. Calculate the engine's downward velocity upon impact in m/s

470 m/s


A jet engine catches fire & is ejected from an airplane crossing the Atlantic Ocean at 792 kph. It takes 48 seconds to reach the ocean surface. Calculate the engine's velocity vector in m/s upon impact

520 m/s


Describe the movement of the object (for each change in velocity & direction)

1. Accelerating from rest, away from the origin 

2. Constant velocity

3. Deceleration to a stop

4. Acceleration back towards the origin

5. Deceleration to a stop 45 m from the origin


Mr. C is at a red light & accelerates to 120 kph in 11 seconds. What is is his displacement in m?

180 m


Acceleration due to gravity on Saturn is 10.44 m/s2. Calculate the hang time in seconds of Mr. C's pet rock if he drops it from 1.5 meters high from the surface of Saturn

0.54 s


Mr. C is speeding down the motorway at 140 kph, but then he sees a police car and slows down at a rate of 7.5 m/s2. What is his final velocity in m/s if he slows for 2.5 seconds?

20 m/s


A jet engine catches fire & is ejected from an airplane crossing the Atlantic Ocean at 792 kph. It takes 48 seconds to reach the ocean surface. Calculate the engine's velocity vector angle of impact
