Motion and Forces
Energy and Momentum
Heat and Temperature
Electricity and Magnetism

Speed, distance, time, and energy are all examples of this type of quantity

What are scalars?


A 0.1 kg apple has this much potential energy when it is in a tree 1 meter above the ground.

What is 1 J?


The particles of a substance do this when the temperature is increasing

What is move faster?


Opposite charges do this

What is attract?


The distance between two wave crests.

What is wavelength?


A 5 kg dog's weight on Earth

What is 50 N?


An 4 kg dog is running this fast when she has a momentum of 12 kg m/s. 

What is 3 m/s?


Heat does not move quickly through these types of materials

What are insulatators?


If two charged balloons are moved further apart, this happens to the force between them.

What is "the force decreases"?


Mechanical waves need this to carry energy from place to place

What is a medium?


This is the maximum force that a ball applies to a bat when the bat hits the ball with a maximum force of 37,000 N. 

What is 37,000 N?

A 3 kg cat has this much kinetic energy when she is moving at 4 m/s.

What is 24 J?


In general, metals heat up quickly and have this type have specific heats

What is "metals have low specific heats"?


The equivalent resistance of the 3 resistors is equal to this.

What is 90 ohms?


In a longitudinal wave, the energy and the source move in this direction relative to each other

What is parallel?


To make an object move in a circle, the force must point in this direction

What is towards the center?


A roller coaster car weighs 5000 N when loaded with people.  It has this much potential energy when it is at the top of a 30 m high hill. 

What is 150,000 J?

Asha is making candles.  She uses a thermometer to measure the temperature of the wax as she heats it.  At first the temperature increases steadily, but then the temperature stops changing because of this.

What is the wax begins to melt/undergo a phase change?


A negative charged metal sphere is grounded.  The electrons move in this direction. 

What is "the electrons move from the sphere to the ground"?


When a fire truck moves away from you, the siren sounds this way (compared to if it were at rest)

What is lower pitch/frequency?


In a laboratory experiment on friction, a block resting on a rough table is pulled by a horizontal wire. The pull gradually increases until the block begins to move and then a force is applied so that the block moves at a constant speed.  The force of kinetic friction acting on the block is this value.

What is 15 N?


A 30,000 kg train car moving at 8 m/s collides with a 30,000 kg car at rest.

The combined cars move with this much momentum.

What is 240,000 kg m/s?


Malik is heating water to make tea.  He heats 100 g of water from 22°C to 100°C.  This is the amount of heat needed.  

Useful information: specific heat of water = 4.18 J/g·°C

What is 32,604 J?


A strong electromagnet is made this way.  

What is "a current carrying coil of wire surrounds an iron core"?


This color of light has the lowest frequency

What is red?