Fill in the blank
EMR impacts our everyday life!
Draw and Label
They did what!?
True or False and WHY?

Electromagnetic Radiation is a source of ________.



Without this type of EMR we wouldn't be able to see!

Visible Light


Draw and label a diagram of how most electromagnetic radiation reaches Earth.

Most electromagnetic radiation comes from the Sun (solar radiation) to the Earth.

By watching Chinese shadow puppetry we learned about the ray model which is the idea that....

Light travels in straight lines.


As wavelength increases frequency also increases

False. As wavelength increases the waves are longer and therefore there is less frequency of the waves per second. Frequency decreases. They are opposite!


There are ________ types of electromagnetic radiation.


This type of electromagnetic radiation has enough energy to kill cancer cells!

Gamma rays


Draw and label the difference between a high frequency wave and a low frequency wave.

High frequency wave has many short waves, low frequency wave has few long waves.


We learned about two things Isaac Newton is known for. Name at least one of them.

He was one of the first scientists to propose the particle model of light. He was the first scientist to show that sunlight was actually a mixture of different colours! (rainbow)


Electromagnetic radiation is always essential and never harmful.

False. For example, too much UV ray exposure can cause skin cancer or eye damage.


Safe exposure to _____________ helps humans to produce Vitamin D!

Ultraviolet Rays


We can thank solar winds and solar storms for the beautiful Northern Lights, however, how else do they impact us?

Interference with telecommunication systems!


Draw a diagram that shows light passing through two slits and hitting a screen. Show how the light acts and show what appears on the screen.

The light acts like a wave and ripples through the two slits, interfering and overlapping with each other. As they continue toward the screen, the waves of light create a series of lines, confirming that light sometimes acts like a wave. BONUS POINT: Show that light sometimes acts like a particle when it is observed and that would mean you would only see two lines of light on the screen.

Who was the scientist known for designing the Double-Slit Experiment? Which model of EMR does it test?

Thomas Young. The wave-model.


Tissue paper is an example of a translucent material.

True, because it transmits some light, and some light is scattered, reflected, and absorbed.


You are sitting on a dock at a lake on a sunny day with your feet dangling in the water. You are staring towards the water but you need to cover your eyes because it's very bright. You are experiencing _______________ of light off of __________________________ surface.

Reflection, an extremely smooth


To see animals in the dark, which type of EMR is used in night vision goggles?

Infrared radiation


Draw and label the properties of a wave!

Must include crest, trough, amplitude, wavelength.


Batman moves swiftly in the shadows and takes his skills from one place to another to combat enemies. Which TWO properties of elecromagnetic radiation does this analogy represent?

EMR is invisible as it travels. 

EMR involves the transfer of energy from one place to another.


Radiowaves have the lowest energy and the shortest wavelength.

False. Radiowaves have the lowest energy of the seven EMR types however they have the longest wavelength (and lowest frequency).


A carrot appears orange because.....

it absorbs all colours except for red yellow and orange. It reflects red yellow and orange, and that is what we see!


Which two types of electromagnetic radiation help us to forecast the weather?

Visible light and infrared radiation


Draw a ray diagram of a bright light source and two stick figures at different distances from the light (one is closer and the other is farther). Whose shadow is bigger? One of the stick figures needs to wear sunglasses. Which one? Describe the concept we learned which describes this.

The closer stick figure has a larger shadow because it covers more rays of light. The farther stick figure has a smaller shadow. The closer stick figure needs to wear sunglasses because the light is brighter. The stick figure farther away does not because light gets dimmer with distance.


Who won a Nobel Prize for explaining the Photoelectric Effect?

Albert Einstein


The Photoelectric effect is explained by the particle model of light.

True. This is because a particle of light (photon) must have an exact amount of energy to excite the electrons on the metal. For example, red light does not have enough energy to release an electron but blue light does. The wave model does not explain this effect.