1 Dimensional Motion
Projectile Motion
Newton's Laws, Forces
Work,Energy, and Power

What is the difference between speed and velocity?

A. Speed is a scalar quantity, while velocity is a vector quantity

B. Speed is measured in meters per second, while velocity is measured in meters

C. Speed represents the total distance covered, while velocity represents the change in position

D. Speed is always positive, while velocity can be negative or positive


A. Speed is a scalar quantity, while velocity is a vector quantity


Which of the following measurements is NOT a Scalar? 

A. Time

B. Speed

C. Distance

D. Displacement

D. Displacement


A 5000kg truck and a 1000kg car are travelling at constant speeds and then collides. What is true about the Forces and acceleration on each?

A. 5000kg truck exerts a greater force on the 1000kg car, but the acceleration will be same.

B. 5000kg truck exerts a greater force on the 1000kg car, but the 5000kg truck will get a greater acceleration.

C. Since they are moving with a constant velocity, the Forces on each of them are equal. But the 1000kg car will have greater acceleration since it has less mass.

D. Both Forces and acceleration are different.

C. Since they are moving with a constant velocity, the Forces on each of them are equal. But the 1000kg car will have greater acceleration since it has less mass.


A golf club has 10 kg m/s of momentum when it hits a golf ball  that is at rest. After the collision, the golf club has a momentum of  1 kg m/s and the golf ball has a momentum of 9 kg m/s. Which of  the following comparisons is TRUE about the change in  momentum of the two objects?  

A. the change in momentum is equal and opposite for the two objects

B. the change is momentum was unequal for the two objects 

C. the change in momentum is the same for the two objects

A. the change in momentum is equal and opposite for the two objects


What is an object's change in momentum equal to?

A. the force acting on the object

B. the impulse acting on the object

C. the change in velocity of the object

B. the impulse acting on the object


What is the SI unit for acceleration?

A. m/s

B. m/s2

C. m/s3

D. m/s4

B. m/s2


A football is kicked across the field. Which of the following is true

A. The acceleration is 0m/s/s.

B. The acceleration is positive on the way up.

C. The acceleration of the ball decreases as the ball moves upward

D. The vertical velocity of the ball is 0 m/s when the ball is at the highest point 

C. The acceleration of the ball decreases as the ball moves upward


Which FBD below shows the object moving with a constant speed?







A large, moving truck crashes into a small parked car. How do the  magnitudes of the impulses and the forces on each vehicle  compare during the collision? 

A. The truck experiences more force but less impulse

B. The truck experiences less force but more impulse

C. The truck experiences less force but less impulse

D. The truck experiences equal force and equal impulse

D. The truck experiences equal force and equal impulse


A stunt person jumps from the roof of a tall building, but no injury  occurs because the person lands on a large, air-filled bag. Which  one of the following BEST describes why no injury occurs?

A. The bag provides the necessary force to stop the person. 

B. The bag provides  an impulse greater than the person's change in momentum by decreasing the time of impact.

C. The bag provides an impulse equal to the person's change in momentum by increasing the time of impact.

C. The bag provides an impulse equal to the person's change in momentum by increasing the time of impact.


Which of the following represents a negative displacement?

A. An object moving forward

B. An object moving backward

C. An object at rest

D. An object changing direction

B. An object moving backward


The horizontal acceleration of a projectile is ALWAYS

A. Zero

B. -9.8 m/s/s 

C. 9.8 m/s/s

A. Zero


Rank the magnitude of  acceleration from least to greatest?

  A                           B                    C                   D







A 4 kg pendulum is pushed up from the ground with a velocity of 10 m/s. What maximum height will the pendulum reach?  

The velocity of the bowl when it hits the ground is approximately 4.85 m/s.


Based on their findings, what can be concluded about the impact  forces experienced by each vehicle?  

A. The impact for Vehicle A was greater than the impact force for Vehicle, B because Vehicle A is more massive than Vehicle B.

B. The impact for Vehicle B was greater than the impact force for Vehicle A, because the speed is greater than for Vehicle B

C. The impact force for Vehicle A was the same as the impact force for Vehicle B, because the impulse of Vehicle A is equal and opposite to the impulse of Vehicle B

D. The impact for Vehicle B was greater than the impact force for Vehicle A, because Vehicle A is more massive than Vehicle B

C. The impact force for Vehicle A was the same as the impact force for Vehicle B, because the impulse of Vehicle A is equal and opposite to the impulse of Vehicle B


A ball held at rest is dropped from a height of 50m. Determine the ball's speed when it reaches the ground.(Ignore wind resistance) g=9.8

A: 64




B: 32


What is the relationship between the time taken for upward motion and the time taken for downward motion in projectile motion?

 The time taken for upward motion is equal to the time taken for downward motion, neglecting air resistance.


Newton's first law is...


A ball rolling down a hill will continue to roll unless friction or another force stops it.

In the first law, an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it.


A car of mass 1500 kg is moving at a velocity of 25 m/s. What is its momentum?

p=1500kg×25m/s= 37,500kg m/s

Answer: 37,500kg m/s 


What is the work done by a car to move 30 m when friction experts a 400 N force on it

A: 6000 J

B: 4000 J 

C: 1000 J

D: 7000 J

D: 7000 J


If a car drives with an initial velocity of 52 m/s before decelerating at a rate of 7 m/s^2 to reach a speed of 25 m/s. How much distance was covered as the decelerated?

A: 219 m

B: 119 m

C: 238 m

D: 148 m



Under what conditions does an object experience projectile motion?

An object has to be launched or thrown into the air and experience the force of gravity without any air resistance to experience projectile motion.


What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?

 Newton's Second Law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.


If an object experiences no net external force, what happens to its momentum?

Its momentum remains constant


A rock falls off a 20-m cliff, after some time it has 12,000 J of PE and 6,000 J of KE. what is the mass of the rock?

PE=(m)(g)(h)= 12,000/(9.8)(20) = 61.2g