Dimensional Motion
Projectile motion
Newton's Law

Displacement is a vector quantity because it includes information about:

Magnitude and Direction


A soccer ball is kicked upwards from the ground. Which of the following is true.

The vertical velocity of the ball is 0 m/s when the ball is at the highest point.


Kids were playing with balls which are of equal mass. They kicked them with different forces. Which one accelerated more?

Red ball – 10N

Blue ball – 3N

Yellow ball - 5N

Red ball since force and acceleration are directly related.

Blue ball since force and acceleration are inversely related.


A 5000kg truck and a 1000kg car are travelling at constant speeds and then collides. What is true about the Forces and acceleration on each?

Since they are moving with a constant velocity, the Forces on each of them are equal. But the 1000kg car will have greater acceleration since it has less mass.


A ball with a mass of 200 k/g  moving at 10 m/s. What is the linear momentum of the object? 

2000 m/s.


What is the average acceleration of an object that changes its velocity from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in 5 seconds?

4 m/s2


A football was kicked toward the goal. The horizontal component of velocity was 10 m/s  and the vertical component was 7 m/s . What is the magnitude of the resultant velocity of the soccer ball.

12 m/s.


A 10kg box is moving across the floor with a constant speed. Which statement explains the mistake of this FBD?

Vectors Fa and Ff should have the same length.


A man is whirling a 0.5 kg ball on a 1.0 m long string at 2 m/s. What is true about the force on the ball?

It pulls in, toward the center of the circle.


A student watched a person fire an old cannon. The student noticed the  cannonball moved with a very high velocity to the right and the cannon  moved very slowly to the left.

The total momentum of the system was zero before the cannon was fired. Since momentum was conserved, the cannonball's momentum and the cannon's momentum must have been equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.


Which of the following is an example of two-dimensional motion with constant acceleration?

A ball thrown at an angle.


Consider a ball thrown up from the surface of the earth into the air at an angle of 30° above the horizontal. Air friction is negligible. Just after the ball is released, its acceleration is what.

Downwards at 9.8 m/s.


Which FBD below shows the object moving with a constant speed?

A and C.


Rank the magnitude of  acceleration from least to greatest?



Object A, with a mass of 5kg, is moving at a velocity of 3 m/s  while Object B, with a mass of 3 kg is moving at a velocity of  -5 m/s. Based on the calculations of their momentum, which of  the following statements is correct?

The magnitude of the objects momenta are equal but their directions are opposite.


A guy starts at rest then walks 3m to the left then walks right back to the start what is his displacement.

X =3m - 3m= 0m


Your high school player has thrown a ball horizontally down the football field. He needs to increase the time the ball is in the air to give the receiver an opportunity to get in the right position to catch the ball. Which factor will increase the flight time of the football?

Increasing the vertical height from which the ball is thrown.


      A = 40kg                           B = 2kg                                          C = 10kg

Which one has less acceleration?  Hint: a = net F/m



Which arrow represents applied force and which one shows weight?

Mg and Mgsin.


Marble A is dropped from a height of 1m onto the floor. Marble B is  dropped from a height of 1m into a bucket of water. Which  statement correctly describes why Marble B does not break? 

Marble B experiences less force over a longer time.


Hector drove a Lamborghini from his house down to his friend's house to show them his car. His friend's car was 300 meters away and it took him 5 min to get there. On his way back he stopped at a nearby store to get something to eat then he went home.

Since he started at his house and stopped at his house in the end his displacement is 0.


An object is launched across a room. How can a teacher determine the average horizontal velocity of the object using only a meter stick and a calculator? 

You can not use a meter stick to measure horizontal velocity.


A marble was spinning around on a string of a certain radius at a constant speed. Then it went around the same curve at half of the original speed. Which of the following correctly identifies the new force acting on the Marble?

The new force exerted on the marble towards the center of the curve was two times as much as before.


A teacher is drawing a free body diagram for the following scenario: "A penguin accelerates by sliding down an icy hill on its belly."

What else should her drawing include and why?

It should include an arrow pointing straight up, because the normal force of the hill is the reaction force to gravity.


A golf club has 10 kg m/s of momentum when it hits a golf ball  that is at rest. After the collision, the golf club has a momentum of  1 kg m/s and the golf ball has a momentum of 9 kg m/s. Which of  the following comparisons is TRUE about the change in  momentum of the two objects?  

The change in momentum is equal and opposite for the two objects.